162.) You Find Something You Probably Shouldn't Have

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I figured since the weather was getting nicer and I had the day off that it'd be a great day to thoroughly clean the house. I was working on the living room at the moment, digging through the couch cushions since god knows what could be down there. As I was rummaging through, my hand wrapped around something and I furrowed my eyebrows. I carefully pulled the object out and gasped softly. "Lou?" I called, sitting down on the couch with the red sparkly dildo in my hand. "Yeah?" Louis asked as he came down the stairs, but stopped when he saw what was in my hand, "oh..." I held it up, "yeah... Louis, where did this come from and why was it in our couch?" I asked, placing it down and crossing my arms. "Well.. Um would you believe it was to please the sex toy gods?" he asked and I shook my head. "Louis, I really hope you're not cheating on me with some girl..." I said, biting my lip. Louis eyes widened, "Oh gosh no, (y/n) I would never," he said and put a hand through his hair, "it's just... sort of like... Mine," he admitted with a deep blush, "Please don't be mad, I just... sort of like the feeling of... You know... Things up my ass," He mumbled. I listened and nodded a bit, "Okay, okay, I understand," I said softly, glancing over at the toy, "But how did it end up in the couch?" I asked. He chuckled slightly and walked over to me, sitting down, "Funny story actually... Uh... remember that day you came back after going out with a friend?" I nodded and motioned for him to continue, "Well... I sorta like was using the dildo, but when I heard the door start to open, I had to hide it quickly and that was the closest place." "Why didn't you just do it on the bed?" I asked and he chuckled once again. "Well, why don't we only have sex in our bed?" he retorted. I nodded, "good point," I said softly, "Just... please tell me about things like this, you shouldn't be afraid to tell me your kinks, love. We tell each other everything. I wont judge you," I promised. Louis smiled, "I love you," He said and I replied back, "I love you, too," kissing him softly.

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