123.) He Passes Out During Your First Childs Birth

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"Alright (y/n). I'm gonna need you to push," the doctor said as I held Louis hand. I nodded, "o-okay." Louis smiled at me and gave me a reassuring smile. "Ready. One...two...three! Push!" The doctor said and I pushed my hardest, groaning out in pain as my hand tightened around Louis hand. I lookef at him and saw his face filled with pain, "oh don't even start, Louis, you're not the one pushing a fucking baby out of your vagina," I said harshly and he quickly straightened up. After a couple more pushes the doctor smiled, "He's coming! I can see the head." "Oh I want to see," Louis said and looked, his eyes widening before I saw him pass out on the floor. I cried out in pain feeling the contractions again. I saw one of the nurses going to help him and I shook my head, "I got this." I grabbed my cup of ice water and threw it at his face, luckily the cup was plastic. "WAKE THE FUCK UP! YOURE GONNA MISS THE BABY!" I yelled and he finally came round. He kept encouraging me again, not worrying that he was now soaked. Soon, the baby was born and I was holding him. "He's so handsome like you..." I looked at Louis, "hopefully he's not dumb enough like you to look at his girlfriend's vagina during birth." I gently smacked the back of his head. "Sorry babe," he sighed and I handed him the baby.

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