147.) 7 Minutes In Heaven

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I couldn't believe my friends were making me play this game. The only reason I agreed was since I didn't want to look like a wimp in front of Louis. I sat in the circle as Louis spun the bottle in the middle explaining the game. "Alright, so basically you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to do seven minutes of heaven in a closet upstairs," Louis said with a smirk. When the bottle was about to stop, all my friends moved out of the way leaving just Louis and I in a cirlce. I blushed slightly when the bottle stopped and my friend pushed me towards the shocked Louis. Louis bit his lip and chuckled, "um...come on," he said softly and took my hand bringing me to his closet, "calm down, love... don't be nervous. It'll be fun, I promise," he said softly as we sat down and he held both my hands. I took a shaky breath as he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. He kept it gentle, gradually deepening the kiss and I ended up moving to his lap eventually. I started playing with his hair gently. Louis' hand slowly slid up my shirt and I shivered slightly. We continued for a few minutes giggling and giving each other gentle touches before the door swung and I gasped. We looked at them as if we were deer caught in headlights. Louis groaned and shut the door again, "We're not done yet," he mumbled and I giggled leaning in to kiss him again.

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