56.) He Talks In His Sleep

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It was my first time staying the night at Louis place. We were watching a movie on the couch cuddling when i looked up at him and he was sleeping. I got up and got us a blanket and carefully laid back down in his arms. "(Y/n)?" I looked up thinking i woke him up but he was perfectly asleep. I went back to watching the movie when i heard him say "(y/n) i love you. Don't leave me" i looked up at him and smiled, "i love you too. I love you too much to leave you." He smiled in his sleep hugging me as i snuggled close to him and tried to fall asleep. "No! I can't go to jail! It was Niall! He broke Liam's favorite pencil!" Louis said loudly and i bursted out laughing accidentally waking him up. "Whats wrong?" He asked and i kept laughing not able to answer. I finally answered, "nothing. I love you." He smiled, "i love you too" and kissed me as we tried to go back to bed.

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