6.) Miscarriage

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Louis and I were finding out the gender of the baby today so I was rushing him to get out of the house. "Louis!! Hurry up!!" I yelled as he ran into the living room buckling his belt and grabbing the keys. "Let's go." We went to the car quickly getting to the hospital right on time. "(Y/n)?" The doctor asked as we walked in. "Right here!" I replied walking into the room with Louis right behind me. I laid on the bed while Louis sat in the chair next to me. "Do you have any concerns?" The doctor asked setting up. "Well I haven't felt the baby move this past week, but Louis said it was fine" I told her. "Well, let's make sure" she said and I lifted my shirt up while she put the gel stuff on. She started looking for the heartbeat and Louis took my hand. The doctor looked like she was in deep concentration. After a couple minutes she looked at us with a sad look. "I'm sorry but you've had a miscarriage. We couldn't find the heartbeat." I looked at Louis with tears in my eyes and he had tears streaming down his face. "I'll leave you two alone." She said. As soon as she left the room Louis started bawling. I put my hand on my stomach. "The baby's gone" I whispered as it hit me that I lost the baby. I started bawling with Louis and he hugged me tight. "Don't worry. We just have to wait a bit, that's all. Maybe we weren't ready" he said seeming like he was trying to convince himself more. I nodded and held Louis close just wanting to be in his arms

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