140.) Showing Too Much Skin

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I sighed to myself as I looked in the mirror, admiring my curves that I knew Louis loved. But tonight he wanted me to go with him to one of the boy's award shows. As Louis was in the shower, I dressed in a tight black dress that went down mid thigh that had spaghetti straps. Along the waist was a little bling, but not too much since I didn't want to seem over dressed. I looked at myself to make sure I at least looked decent, seeing my cleavage showed not really minding much. As Louis came out of the shower in a towel, it seemed that he minded a lot. "You are not wearing that (y/n)," he said shaking his head. I turned around to face him, shopping myself from doing my makeup, "what do you mean, Lou? It looks perfectly fine," I said looking down at my chosen outfit. "It...it shows too much skin (y/n). I don't want all the guys there to basically eye rape you," louis said making me roll my eyes and shake my head. "Lou it looks-" I started but he cut me off, "it looks too revealing. You're only suppose to wear that stuff during our sexy time," he said. I sighed, "fine. What do you want me to wear then?" He smiled and went to my closer as I watched him intently, seeing him take out a long sleeved black dress that went down to knee length. I shook my head immediately, "oh hell no. I am not wearing that. Do you know how hot it gets in there? That is not happening." Louis frowned and crossed his arms, "fine be that way" he said and continued getting dressed for the award show and I smiled triumphantly

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