136.) When You're Sleepy (His POV)

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I was holding (y/n) close as I played video games on our bed. I could tell she was starting to fall asleep as she watched me play. I kept my arms around her, "babe... You tired?" I asked. (Y/n) jumped, "what? Uh no I'm wide awake," she said snuggling into my chest even more making me chuckle. "(Y/n). I know you're tired," I said pausing the game and playing with her hair. "Mm not really," she mumbled half asleep and within a minute I could tell she was asleep. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, shutting the game off just watching her sleep peacefully. "I love you, (y/n)," I whispered though I knew she probably couldn't hear. As I listened to her breathing, rubbing her back I felt her shift kissing my chest making me smile down at her relaxing. Shortly after I fell asleep with her cuddled into me.

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