4.) He Does Your Makeup

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I decided to let Louis do my makeup since we weren't going anywhere and were bored out of our minds. I sat on the counter in the bathroom while Louis pulled out the makeup he wanted. "I can't wait to see it" I said while Louis started putting a light pink shade lipstick on my lips. "Pucker your lips" he said as you did what he said. He finished with the lipstick and took my eyeliner. "I don't know if I trust you with that near my eye" I said backing away a bit when he came close. "C'mon (y/n) I won't hurt you" he said and I sighed. He soon put it on surprisingly without poking my eye out. "One last thing" he said grabbing the purple eye-shadow and quickly putting it on, smiling at his 'masterpiece'. I turned around and looked in the mirror and yelled "Louis!! I look like I've been punched in the eye!!" He laugh and said "I tried" while grabbing the makeup remover trying to get it off.

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