115.) Baking

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I was making a cake just for fun since I was bored. Louis came into the kitchen wrapping his arms around me, "babe, can i help?" He asked and i thought about it. "As long as you dont burn the house down." He smiled starting to help me add all the ingredients. Eggs, flour, baking soda, etc. Soon i poured it into the cake pan and into the oven. When i turned around, Louis had the flour in his hand and he bumped into me, getting flour all over my clothes. He gasped and looked at me wide eyed. "You did that on purpose!" I yelled taking the sugar and dumping it on him. He looked over himself before saying, "it's on." We grabbed the nearest food and threw them at each other laughing. Soon we ended up with flour, sugar, eggs, and whipped cream all over us. We ended up hearing the fire alarm which caused us both to stop and look at the oven. I grabbed an oven mit taking the cake out of the oven, seeing it was burnt and groaned. Louis sighed and kissed me, "it's okay, (y/n). You can always make another cake another time." I nodded, "i know but i was looking forward to it." Louis tried to stop the alarms with a dish towel as i opened a window to air out the smoke. "Hey, now we have extra frosting," Louis smirked. I shook my head, "not gonna happen," and tried to stop the cake from smoking.

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