135.) He Comes Home Drunk

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Louis stumbled into the house as I was walking back from the bathroom. I sighed when he walked into the ottoman trying not to laugh. "Babe?" I asked when he groaned, "you okay?" Louis snuggled into it and nodded, "yea just tired," he said and I raised an eyebrow when he fell asleep quickly starting to snore. I walked over and shook his shoulder, "Louis..." I sighed and he didn't move, "Lou..." I said a bit louder. I took his hand and dropped it on the ottoman. Nothing. I shook my head and hit the back of his head just hard enough to wake him. He whined, "ow... (Y/n) what was that for?" "Go up to bed. I'll get you some water and aspirin," I said patting his bum. He groaned but got up stumbling upstairs. I went to the kitchen and got him a glass of water with aspirin making my way upstairs. As soon as I walked in I saw Louis in bed his pants pulled down to his ankles and one arm in his sleeves obviously too tired to even undress himself. I laughed to myself putting the water and aspirin on the nightstand before helping Louis and laying him down. I kissed his head gently before slipping into bed beside him.

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