108.) You Walk In On Your Daughter Having A Heated Moment

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Louis had taken me out to dinner for a date night since we hadn't had one in a while. We were walking up to our front door early since Louis had been worried about (y/d/n). "Louis, you don't have anything to be worried about," I said as he fumbled with the keys in his hand. "Yes I do have something to be worried about. (Y/d/n) is alone with John," John was Zayn's son and (y/d/n) hung out with him a lot. Louis finally got the key putting it in the lock. "I bet they're fine," I said as he opened the door walking inside, me following. He stopped dead in his tracks as we both saw (y/d/n) and John making out on the couch, John shirtless. (Y/d/n) had her hands through his hair and I quickly looked over at Louis who looked as if he was getting angrier by the second. "Louis..." I said carefully and saw John jump off (y/d/n) looking scared out of his mind. "I...uh um...I was just leaving...," John grabbed his shirt pulling it over his head. "You're not going anywhere yet!" Louis yelled causing both (y/d/n) and John to flinch. "I-im sorry sir. It'll never happen again," John blushed. "Don't pull that shit with me! You did it once you'll do it again!" Louis yelled at him. "Louis!" I scolded, "Don't scare the poor kid!" Louis scoffed, " he was about to fuck our daughter! Doesn't that bother you!?" "That was never my intention-" Louis cut John off. "Just leave John. I'll speak with your parents after." "Louis..." I said getting annoyed by him. "And as for you young lady..." He started to talk to (y/d/n). "Louis!" I grabbed his ear and pulled it. "Ow!" He muttered rubbing his ear, "what was that for?!" "You need to calm the fuck down. Now go upstairs. I'll handle this," I demanded. "But (y/n)..." "Go!" He jumped a little, but went upstairs leaving me with John and (y/d/n). I sighed, "I trust the two of you to be careful, okay? Just don't get caught by Louis. Next time, go to the bedroom or Zayn's house." They nodded and I smiled at them. "But John. I think you should go cause Louis isn't in the best of moods," I added and he nodded. "You're right. Bye (y/d/n). Love you," he said leaving. "Love you too," she replied smiling. As soon as John left I said, "okay now maybe I should talk to you about sex." She groaned which made me laugh as I sat next to her and began the talk

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