153.) High School Reunion (Part One)

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I was hesitant to even go to the high school reunion considering that all the boys at my old school were complete assholes. Maybe they've changed though, I thought as I picked out a nice sundress that I barely even wore before making sure to look as perfect. It wasn't just the fact that I wanted to show my old classmates what they missed out on, it was also the fact that Louis Tomlinson, my old best friend would be there. You see there was a time where Louis and I used to hang out all the time, help each other with homework, have sleepovers and sneakily steal his clothes to wear. Everything was just fine until high school ended and we went our seperate ways to Uni. I hadn't talked to him since that day he left, the connection never really holding on. Tonight though, I heard from a little bird that Louis would be there. I checked the time before quickly getting ready and heading out of the house to meet my old classmates once again, especially Louis William Tomlinson.

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