79.) Your Child Finds A Picture From When The Two Of You Were Dating

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I was at the kitchen table going through my photo album with my daughter (y/d/n). She was a teenager and asked to see some pictures of when I was a teenager. We kept looking at the pictures, me explaining each of them to her. "What about this one?" She asked pointing to a picture of me and Louis. I smiled, "that was the day your dad asked me to be his girlfriend. He was so weird." Louis was holding me from behind sticking his tongue out close to my face, me laughing. She smiled and said, "you guys were a really cute couple. I hope me and my boyfriend will be like that." "It will be. You just have to wait for the right guy," I said and she nodded. Louis came up behind me, hugging me and kissing my cheek. "Whatcha doin (y/n)?" He asked. "Showing (y/d/n) pictures of us," I said and he looked at the picture, copying it and I laughed. "Ew gross dad," (y/d/n) said and left the room. "How was that gross?" Louis asked and I shrugged and kept going through the pictures with Louis this time.

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