68.) You're Cold

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It was freezing in the house since Louis broke the heater and it was winter. Don't ask me how he broke it because I have no clue. I had sweatpants, a sweatshirt, socks, and gloves on with a heavy blanket over me and I was still cold. I kept giving Louis death glares knowing this was because of him. He sighed after a while and sat on the couch next to me, "you can't stay mad at me forever." "I can try," I responded and put the blanket over my head hoping for it to be warmer. "Well what do you want me yo do about it?" He asked. "Get it fixed," I said rubbing my hands together. "They can't come til tomorrow." I groaned and sighed, "but I can see my breath which is not suppose to happen." " I know, I know. Do you want me to make you tea?" He asked and I nodded. He got up making me tea in a matter of minutes before coming back and handing it to me. I shivered a bit and he said, "come here," and took me in his arms rubbing my arms and legs to try and keep me warm. "Aren't you cold?" I asked and he shrugged. "Could be worse. We'll have heat tomorrow." He put the blanket over the both of us while I drank my tea and we both talked.

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