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3rd person's POV

"Omo unnie there's Chaewon" Minju whispered to Hyunjin as they walk in the hallways

"Push me towards her" Minju said and tuck her hair behind her ear. Hyunjin did but didn't expect Minju and Chaewon to fall hard on the floor.

Hyunjin looks around innocently and drag Heejin with her.

"We're not gonna help Minju?" the bunny asked

"She can handle herself" Hyunjin said and rush to the cafeteria.

"Noona!" Jeongin shouts, getting Heejin and Hyunjin's attention. Hyunjin leads the way to their table and sit beside Ryujin.

"Where's Minmin-unnie?" Yuna asked

"She's coming, don't worry" Hyunjin said and chuckles nervously. They took turns in ordering their foods and after all of them sat down, Minju came with Kim Chaewon walking the girl to her friends/family.

"Sorry again, Chaewon-ssi" Minju said with a shy smile

"It's fine and please just call me Chaewon. Don't need to be formal around me, Minju" Chaewon said with a wide smile

"I should get going" she then said and glance at her wrist watch.

"Eat well, Min" she left the blushing Minju and the girls with Jeongin waited for Chaewon to walk away before they started teasing Minju.

"What happened??? Why are you with her???" Yeonhee asked

"Details, Min. Details."

"Let me order first" Minju said and take her purse out of her backpack.

"Hurry up"

Minutes passed and Minju got back with a tray of food in her hands that she barely managed to land on the table without falling something from it.


"What happened?"

"So, me, Hyunjin-unnie and Heejin-unnie are walking down the hallway and I saw Chaewon outside their classroom and whispered to Hyunjin-unnie telling her to push me towards her. What I didn't expect is that she'll do it with force that me and Chaewon fall on the floor together" Minju said and snorts and giggling can be heard.

"I didn't expect you guys to fall over too" Hyunjin said and eat her meal.

"That kinda hurts but at least I got to talk to her" Minju said then smile making her older sisters shook their heads.

"Anyways, Heej, I heard that Hansol is in your class too?" Jungeun diverted her gaze on Heejin

"Yeah" Heejin answered in a bored and annoyed tone.

"There's so many sections in our year but he still happened to be my classmates for Pete's sake" Heejin started ranting while Hyunjin just eat, not listening at what Heejin is saying.

"Unnie, can I get some of this?" Hyunjin asked and pointed the gimbap on Yena's plate.

"You can have two slices" Yena said and let the younger get two slices of her gimbap.

"Thanks" Hyunjin thanked her and continue getting food on other's plates.

"Ryu, your crush" Hyunjin said and pointed at Hwang Yeji then steal food from Ryujin's plate while the girl is busy looking at the girl.

Jeongin chuckles at his older sister and hand her a can of soda.

"Thanks, Jeonginnie"

"You'll accompany me to the cheerleader team's practice later, right?" Ryujin asked and look at Hyunjin.

"Why? You're part of them now?"

"The fuck? Of course no, I just wanna watch Yeji practice" Ryujin said

"Then go by yourself, I have so much things to do" Hyunjin said and Ryujin started whining.

"Cry first" Hyunjin said, teasing Ryujin.

"Fuck you" Ryujin said and continue whining while Hyunjin just laughed at her.

"Fine, fine, I'll come with you"


It's their PE class and they're just goofing around as their PE teacher just let them play around while he's finishing the paperworks that the head of the school gave him.

Hyunjin shares PE class with Ryujin, Heejin, Jeongin, Yeonhee, Minju, and Hyejoo. At times like this they're all hyperactive and play around with each other.

"Min! Catch!" Hyunjin tossed the ball to Minju but the younger girl wasn't able to catch it and the ball just hit her head.

"MINJUGATOOOO~" they teased causing Minju to whine.

"I'm just gonna go pee" Heejin excused herself and went to the nearest restroom.

"Are you okay?" Jeongin asked his twin sister.

"It hurts" Minju said as she sat on the ground. Jeongin then picked her up from the ground and brought her to the bench.

"You want me to get you an ice pack?" Hyunjin asked and Minju nodded.

"I'll be quick" Hyunjin run to the clinic and asked the nurse for an ice pack. She runs off once she finished thanking the nurse and quickly went back to where Minju is.

"Here" Hyunjin handed it to her and watch as Minju press it against the part where she got hit.

"Jagiya!!!" they all look towards where the deep voice is coming and Hyunjin froze because of what the owner of the voice did.

Heejin grab Hyunjin's collar and kiss her. All of the people around them was shocked by Heejin's sudden action. Hyejoo's eyes almost pop out of it's socket as she watch her older sister kissing her bestie.

Out of instinct, Hyunjin kissed back while still confused. It's just days since they met and this girl suddenly kissed her.

Heejin pulled away after some seconds and planted a peck on Hyunjin's cheeks making the girl's ears red. Heejin hugs her making her ears even redder.

"Wait the fuck up" Hyejoo said and walk towards the two, ready to confront them.

"Heejin" a boy called the bunny's name making them turn to him.

"Let's talk" he said and Heejin hesitantly remove her arms around Hyunjin. Hyunjin sensed something and hold Heejin by the waist.

"What do you wanna talk about with her?" Hyunjin asked the transferee

"Why do you care?" Hansol asked and Hyunjin scoffed. Hyejoo look at Hyunjin and shakes her head. Hyunjin got the signal and pull Heejin closer to her.

"She won't be going anywhere near you" she said with a firm tone and the boy look at Heejin with pleading eyes.

Heejin grip Hyunjin's hand and the younger girl gently drag Heejin away from that area.

'What shit did I just got myself into?' she asks herself as they walks away.

FALL AGAIN || 2JINحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن