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Hyunjin's POV

"So... What's the reason?" Heejin asked when we reached the park. I let go of the straw between my lips and click my tongue. This girl doesn't know what giving up is huh.

"There was this girl who I really like" I started off

"She was Minju's bestfriend, Kriesha" a sighed escaped my mouth when I said her name.

"She was my crush since grade school and I started courting her when I entered second year of middle school. We were together everyday and in those days that we're together I just found myself falling deeper and deeper until I drown into her" I sip my coffee while she's watching me with a serious expression.

"I don't wanna elaborate more but yeah I loved her and she gave me hints too. She show me the same care I show to her and sometimes it's even more. She made me feel loved but it ended up Hyewon-unnie getting her." bullshit.

"Hyewon was the one who I talked about my feelings with as she were the person I trusted the most, but she ended up betraying me."

"I just saw them having a date at an amusement park and found out they were dating behind my back and everyone's back"

"That's where my commitment issues and trust issues came from. I became depressed and shit so I decided to flew to Taiwan to rest just for a while and went back here after almost a year" I wrapped up my story and look at her.

"What happened to Hyewon-unnie and Kriesha?" she asked

"Hyewon cheated on her" I said, this is why I become so sensitive when it comes to Hyewon talking or flirting with other girls now that she's in a relationship with Eunbi-unnie.

"Kriesha went crying to me, apologizing for what she had done to me and asked me to take her back, but no, I think it was too late for that and my trust on her and on Hyewon are already broken so I didn't go for it."

"I'm glad you chose the right choice" Heejin said

"Oh yeah?"

"When I was in Taiwan, I found my worth and I came to a realization that there's nothing wrong with me, but the pain and trauma are still here" I said

"You'll learn how to fall again, Hyun" she said

"Are you a fortune teller or what?" she hit my shoulder and chuckles.

"How about you and Hansol? What's your plan with him?" I asked

"I'm trying to move on from him. Actually he approached me this morning" she said and I look at her.

"What did he say?" I asked

"He's wants me back" oh hell nah

"What did you say?"

"I told him to fuck off and that I already have you" well shit

"He's not buying it coz I'm straight-" I cut her off

"You ain't fooling anyone here, Miss Son" I said

"I'm serious" based on her expression... yes she is serious.

"In my life I have never had a romantic feelings for girls" is this even....

"But you kissed me in front of him. That should be enough to make him believe that we're girlfriends" that boy better let her be in this instant coz I don't wanna be a fake girlfriend any longer. It's a pain in the ass.

"I don't know why he don't believe me and it's freaking frustrating" she mess her own hair and brush it backwards after.

"You're still not paid for the kiss" I said and she stares at me.

"I literally bought you a whole ass buffet in the cafeteria this afternoon" she said

"But that's not bread" I smiled at her and drag her to the bakery.

"You motherfu-" she stopped herself from cursing and just let me pick whatever bread I want. I have the tongs in my right hand while I hold the tray with my left hand and started picking breads that I mostly like.

"Isn't that too much?" she complained but I'm still not done yet.

"Shush" I resume what am I doing and drag her to the counter after. The lady told us the total and this girl casually takes out her black card. Girlie is rich.

"Thank you!" I thanked the lady and grab the plastic bag full of bread from her then walked out of the bakery.

Heejin's POV

I just exited the bakery and saw Hyunjin bouncing up and down while looking at her breads.

After hearing her story, I felt bad for her. Just imagine courting someone for how long and she'll end up with your sister. Imagine the damaged it caused to Hyunjin oh my god.

Just from hearing her sad tone while telling me about it, I can already tell that what happened between the three of them really broke her. At least now she can smile and she's acting and behaving just right when she's with Hyewon-unnie.

I didn't know that a person who's cheerful and bubbly as her has gone through something like that. I'm glad she stayed strong after those.

"What are you doing there, puppy? Let's go" puppy? She dragged me to who knows where and I just let her. I just had urge to make her happy. I want to see her happy. I will make her happy.

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