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3rd person's POV

Police siren can be heard and the six of them still can't move even a bit, still in shock of what just happened.

The door open wide and the policemen enters together with Mina, Chaeyoung and the other kids including Jisu who ran to Hyunjin.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she cups Hyunjin's face and check up on her. Jisu turn her head to the machine and Hyunjin quickly move her hand to cover her eyes.

"D-don't look, Jisu-yah" she said, still in daze as she gently pull her away from there.

The other five also went outside and the police went to investigate the scene. The six people who was there the whole time and witnessed what happened are all staring at blank spaces.

"Honey, are you really okay?" Chaeyoung asked Heejin again who just nods. Kriesha is getting her wounds treated and Mina went to check up on her.

"W-what will happen to us?" Hyunjin asked

"Nothing. It's just a self defense, Hyun" Sunwoo pats her back

"Why? What happened?" Jisu worriedly asked, she's been asking that question since earlier but Hyunjin won't answer her.

"Chou Hyunjin-ssi?" a policeman called Hyunjin.

"Yeah?" Hyunjin absentmindedly responded

"I need you to come with us. We will just do some questionings" he said and take out his handcuff to put it on Hyunjin.

"Wait. You're just gonna question her, right? Handcuff is unnecessary" Jisu complained

"We will be needing to take her for an interview, Miss...."

"Mrs Chou Jisu" Jisu said

"I'll come along with you. I'll be her lawyer" she added and it just sink in to Hyunjin that she married a lawyer. Right.

The two came along the police and get in the police car.

"Love, you have to tell me what happened so I can defend you, alright?" Jisu caress her hand gently and Hyunjin nodded. She told Jisu everything that happened even the smallest details during the ride to the police station.


"She's innocent. She did nothing. And Officer, didn't you say that Lee Hansol got 27 murder cases?"

Hyunjin fiddles with her fingers while Jisu is talking to the police officer. She's nervous, scared, traumatized and so much more right now that she can't even think of anything but Hansol's death.

She even saw his shredded pieces that made her grimace in her seat.

There's a knock on the door and another police officer came in with a flash drive in his hand.

"Turns out they have CCTV cameras in there" the newcomer said and handed it to the policeman who's sitting in front of Hyunjin.

They watched the footages together and it shows how Hansol pushed the button to turn on the machine and how he tried to push Hyunjin in.

Jisu gave the officer a look before gesturing Hyunjin to stand up.

"I guess that's enough to prove my wife's innocence, officer" she said in a tone that Hyunjin usually hear when she's in court.

"A-ahh yeah" the firm and arrogant tone of the officer is long gone and he stood up to bow at the married couple.

"I'm deeply sorry for how I act earlier" he apologized and Hyunjin quickly accepted it.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Ms Chou" the two officers bowed once again so the married couple before leaving the interrogation room.

"It's all fine now, okay? You need to calm down, Hyun"

Hyunjin nods and Sunwoo came to fetch the two.


"Go on" Jisu said and Hyunjin looks at her, confused.

"I know you want to talk to Heejin. Go on. No one's stopping you, Hyunjin" Jisu smiled

Hyunjin nods and make her way to Heejin who's currently sitting on the couch. They're at Son's mansion now and they also brought Kriesha along who's upstairs at the guest room, taking the rest that she needs the most.

"Heejin-ah" Hyunjin calls before sitting beside her. Hyewon looks at Yeonhee, Hyejoo, Jeongin and Yuna who are also there at the couch. She made a gesture and they leave the area one by one.

Heejin responded with a humm and sip her coffee.

"Are you okay now?" Hyunjin asked and Heejin smiled.

"I guess so... I'm thankful that you came and saved me" Heejin said

"I did nothing but you're welcome" Hyunjin beam a smile

"Dummy, you're the one who followed Hansol and found my location" Heejin said with a chuckle

"Can I get a head pat then?"

Heejin giggled and give Hyunjin a head pat.

"But seriously, thank you, Hyunjin. I owe you guys my life"

"It's nothing, Heej, really"

They stare at each other with a smile that turned into giggles.

Jisu watch the two with a bittersweet smile. She had never seen this genuine smile from Hyunjin before.

"Hey" she turned to her side and see Yeji.

"Hey" she replied and Yeji smiled, looking to where Jisu is staring at.

"What's your plan?" she asked, she and Jisu grew close during some gatherings that Ryujin and Hyunjin brought them along.

"Still that plan" Jisu said and Yeji looks at her.

"Are you really sure about that? You're not gonna regret it?" Yeji asked

"I've never been so sure in my life, Yej" Jisu said, thinking about the papers on her desk back in their home.

"What did Hyun say about it?"

"I haven't told her about that matter"

"What? Why?"

"I know she won't love the idea"

"Then why do it if she don't like the idea of it?"

"Do you see how happy she is right now, Yej?" Jisu has a genuine smile plastered on her face as she look at Hyunjin who's smiling at Heejin fondly.

"I wanna see her smile like that everyday even if I'm not the reason behind it. The only thing that matter is that she's happy"

"Your love for Hyunjin is just...." Yeji don't even know how to put it in words.

"I know" Jisu chuckles

"At least I got the chance to hold her and to be held by her."

She knew she was just a chapter in Hyunjin's life and now is the time to turn the page and move to the next chapter.

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