Chapter 2

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Steve ran for his life. He took off in the opposite direction the green monster was, not caring about anything else in the world except to get away from the Creeper. He ran until he was out of the forest, on the plain that was behind the mountain he had seen earlier, not looking back once.

When he was satisfied that he ran far enough, he stopped and turned around. The Creeper was nowhere in sight. Steve must've left it in the dust in the forest.

The forest! He left his crafting table--and the pig--back in the forest! Oh man, but he couldn't go back. The Creeper could be anywhere. He was gonna have to make another crafting table. And he could always find another pig. Yes, that's what he would do.

He turned in a circle and took in his surroundings. The mountain was about fifty blocks away in the direction he came, with the forest behind it. Everywhere else, there was nothing but plains. Tall grass and slightly uneven land as far as the eye could see. A few horses were nibbling on tall grass about a hundred blocks away.

He looked at the sky. The sun was setting. That wasn't good. Soon Zombies and Skeletons and Endermen would come out and try to kill him. He had to find shelter.

Since there were plains everywhere, he decided to make his shelter inside the mountain. On the side of the mountain that was facing Steve, it was flat, and there was some stone showing. He walked to the flat side carefully, ready to run at the first sign of the Creeper. When he got to the mountain, he got out his wooden pickaxe, and mined a four block long by two block tall hole in the stone part of the mountain. Then he mined four blocks deeper into the mountain. This gave him 40 cobblestone.

He turned around when he finished mining out his shelter. It was dark outside, and he thought he saw a Zombie out on the plain. He had no way to get light, and he wasn't gonna go out at night for wood to make charcoal. Instead, he made another crafting table and placed it in the far corner of his shelter. Since he had the time, he decided to make stone tools to replace his wooden ones. He started by making a stone sword. Relief washed over him when he finished, because he at least stood a chance with this against monsters. It was a small chance, but still a chance.

Steve then started making a stone pickaxe. It was hard in the dark, but he managed. As he was starting on the stone axe, he heard something outside. Close to his shelter. It sounded like footsteps. Something with four legs.

Oh no, Steve thought. It's the Creeper! He was dead. So, so dead. He got out his stone sword and held it in front of him, shaking. The footsteps came ever closer. Slow and deliberate, just like a Creeper's. And I've only been conscious for twelve hours, he thought. I wish i could've gotten my memories back.

The footsteps still came closer. Steve stood there, holding his stone sword out, determined to go out with a fight.

He saw a shadow. The Creeper came closer. It was about to round the corner and turn into his shelter. Then, it would blow up, and Steve's life would be over. Just like that.

A figure walked into the shelter. Steve held his breath, ready to start swinging at the monstrous green Creeper.

Only it wasn't a Creeper.

It was the pig.

Steve fainted.


I still need a name for the pig. If no one gives me one, imma have my little brother choose.

But thanks for reading, and make sure you vote, comment, and follow!


Update 7/28/15: The pig already has a name. No need for more suggestions.

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