Chapter 58

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Jay's Point of View

Jay, Kirai, and Scullscan walked through the sweltering heat of the Nether. Occasionally, they were attacked by a Nether monster, like a Blaze or a Magma Cube or a Ghast. But they weren't attacked nearly as much as usual. Once, Jay saw a Ghast look at them, and fly away. It didn't attack them at all.

"According to Madge's diary," Kirai said. "There should be a Nether portal leading right outside of her hut."

"But where is the portal, babe?" Jay asked.

"I know where it is," Kirai replied. "And don't call me babe."

"Kay, babe," Jay grinned. He flinched as she punched his arm.

Scullscan watched all this with an amused smile on his face.

"How do you think Steve and them are doin'?" Jay asked.

"No idea," Scullscan replied when Kirai didn't say anything. "Hopefully well. I just...I keep remembering my vision. Both groups will get attacked by terrible things..."

"I'm sure they're fine," Jay reassured him. "All four of them!"

(Oh, if only he knew...)

"By the way, how are we gonna get back to Creektown after we stop by the Witch hut?" Jay asked.

This time Kirai answered. "I have no idea. Hopefully, Madge's 'helper' can get us home or something. We're gonna have to improvise."

"Alright. Improvising is my middle name!" Jay said, flexing his muscles. "My full name is Jay Improvising--"

"Shut up, Jay," Kirai said, exasperated.

They jumped over a lava stream and started climbing a netherrack mountain. They passed a family of Zombie Pigmen, who ignored them.

"Terrible things..." Scullscan started whispering over and over again.

When they got to the top of the mountain, they did indeed see some terrible things.

First of all, the mountain dropped off into the lava sea, so there was a lot of open space across from them. But what filled the space was what scared Jay.

There were Ghasts with iron helmets floating in the space. And on the mountain were Blazes, Zombie Pigmen, Magma Cubes, and Wither Skeletons with iron helmets.

And there was one of each kind of monster with a gold helmet in front of all them.

And they also all had glowing red eyes.

"Terrible things," Scullscan said one more time.

"So...I don't know my Greek alphabet very well," Jay called to the monsters. "Which ones are you?"

The Zombie Pigman with a gold helmet stepped forward. "I'm Kappa," he said in a guttural voice.

The Blaze with the gold helmet hovered forward. "I'm Lambda," she said in a breathy voice.

The Magma Cube with the gold helmet hopped forward. "I'm Mu," she said in a thick voice.

The Ghast with the gold helmet flew forward a bit. "I'm Nu," she said in a grating voice.

The Wither Skeleton with the gold helmet stepped forward. "I'm Ksi," he said in a throaty voice.

"And we're here to kill you!" all five shouted at once.

"Well. Okay," Jay said. "First, I would like to know, how the Nether did Mojang find helmets big enough to fit you Ghasts?"

Nu thought for a moment. "I have no idea," she replied. "But that doesn't matter. Because we're here to kill you!"

"Yeah. Got that. I just, I can't get over how big your heads are. I mean, it must've cost a fortune just to make them," Jay said.

"You're stalling," Lambda hissed.  

"And you," Jay said, pointing at the Blaze. "Your heads aren't even solid, are they? I wouldn't know, I've never touched one."

Lambda looked taken aback. "Of course they're solid! How else would the helmets fit on them?"

"Mhm. What about you Magma Cubes over there? Aren't you guys, like, liquid?" Jay asked. Kirai nudged him, but he pushed her away.

"No, we're solid," Mu replied. "Right guys?" She turned around and started talking to her unit.

"ENOUGH!" Kappa shouted. "He has stalled enough. Let's get them!"

"Hold up," Jay said, putting his hands in the air in surrender. "Let me do something first." He whistled loudly, like he was calling dogs.

Ten seconds passed. Nothing happened.  

"Jay?" Kirai whispered. "What are you doing?"

"Shh," Jay whispered back. "I'm trying something."

"Well whatever you're trying, its not gonna--" Scullscan started.

He was cut off by a loud rumbling noise.

Suddenly, behind Jay, Kirai, and Scullscan, figures started appearing.



Zombie Pigmen.

Magma Cubes.

Wither Skeletons.

And none of them had helmets.

Jay smiled cockily. "That's what I was waiting for."

"ATTACK!" Kappa yelled.

"CHARGE!" Jay shouted.

The Nether monsters charged at each other.

And they clashed in battle.

"How the Nether did you do that?" Kirai asked, slicing the head off a Mojang Pigman.

"I have no clue. I just had some crazy idea, so I decided to try it," Jay replied, bouncing a fireball back at a Mojang Ghast.

"Well, we better not think too long about it," Scullscan said, stabbing a Mojang Magma Cube. "Our side is obviously not gonna win this battle."

He was right. Although the three of them were doing pretty well, it was obvious that the Mojang side was winning.

"Then let's go," Jay said.

"You're just gonna leave all these monsters to die?" Kirai asked.

"Hey, it was their choice to help us," Jay replied. "Besides, it looks like they're happy to die for a cause."

Jay was right. The Nether monsters did seem happy fighting Mojang.

"Alright," Kirai said reluctantly. "The portal is this way."

They started going down the mountain when someone blocked their path.


"Where do you think you're going?" he asked in his guttural voice.

"To the Nether portal," Jay said. Then he stabbed the Pigman in the head.

Well, he tried to.

He forgot the Pigman had a helmet.

Jay's axe bounced off the helmet. Kappa smiled, then swung his golden sword at Jay. Jay noticed it was enchanted.

He blocked the sword with his axe, then flung the sword with his strength. The sword went flying.

Jay pushed Kappa down and joined his friends running down the mountain.

They left the battle behind.


Read "Total Drama Minecraft" and "A Porkchops Story" you scrubs.

Just kidding, if you've read this far in this book, you're not a scrub.

But seriously, read those two books.

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