Author's Note 1

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Hey guys, thanks for reading "A Minecraft Story", and I hope you like it so far (besides the pig's death). But anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know I'm gonna be taking a bit of a break from "A Minecraft Story" to work on "A Porkchops Story". I hope you guys can wait that long.

Also, I'm in my school's play, and we've been practicing a lot lately. So I'll be very busy, and won't be able to write as much. Once the play is over, I'll be able to write more often. The play is at the end of April. I may get in one more chapter of "A Minecraft Story" before then, but I'm not sure. I'm also working on "A Porkchops Story" at the same time, so I'd appreciate your patience.But I know you guys can get impatient, so here is an excerpt from the next chapter of "A Minecraft Story":

"Steve ran, not knowing where he was going. He had tears in his eyes, but he didn't stop to wipe them away. That last battle in the ravine had really taken a toll on him, more than the usual traumatic events did. Probably because his pig had died.

Steve ran and ran. After awhile, he grew tired, so he slowed to a stop. He looked around. He was in a jungle. He must've run north from the ravine. There were trees everywhere, of all sizes. A few cocoa beans were growing on the tree closest to him. He could hear a river somewhere ahead of him.

Steve caught his breath, then sensed something. Something's presence. He slowly turned around, and what he saw, was definitely not good.

A Creeper."



Update 7/28/15: "A Porkchops Story" finished awhile ago. Keep reading!

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