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Tues. 8th Mar. 2022

Angels POV

I pace back and forth inside the office as Layla sat on the couch listening to me vent. After yesterday with what went down with Namjoon, I left work early. He asked why and I lied saying I had an emergency. When I reached home, I freaked out because I felt good and yet felt stupid.

We barely spoke since Friday and then when he stood infront of me, I couldn't fight the feeling anymore. He looked good and I was intoxicated with his scented cologne. I never expected to go that far but if I'm being honest, it was really good. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Can you stop going back and forth, your about to give me a headache, damn." Layla says rubbing her forehead.

I stopped and took a seat on the couch next to her. "I don't know what to do." I groaned of annoyance.

"You still haven't explain what the hell really went down." she says.

I sighed "If I tell you this, you have to swear on your life, that this will be not be told to anyone or it's my job." I threatened and she nods.

Taking a deep breathe, I explained everything from the night we kissed. I told her how I felt and how I knew I felt about him. I went further explaining that I assumed he was sleeping with his bestfriend Shae which was wrong of me. I told her about me finding about him sleeping with another girl and the events that occurred on Friday. Layla was intrigued but I knew when I told her what happened yesterday, she will freak out. Here goes nothing...

Her eyes widen "Your fucking kidding?!" she shouts.

I covered her mouth to muffle her voice "Jesus, be quiet."

I moved my hand and she smiled "Was it good?" she smirks.

"Are you serious right now? He is my boss Layla." I said angrily.

Layla laughs "You didn't say that when you guys kissed." she joked.

I glared at her and she stopped laughing "I'm glad you find my life hilarious." I say and she sighs.

She held my hand "You guys aren't together and yes I know the feeling of hearing he slept with someone else must suck but your both grown. Just tell him how you feel." she advised me.

I sighed "How can I face him now? We have so much to talk about."

"Cancel lunch with us and ask him to spend it with you. " she suggested.

I stood up "Oh fuck no." I say.

She stood up and turned to.me her "Angel Reed, this is your chance to actually have someone in your life." she said and I nod.

"Yes he may be a complicated and seem to difficult but you never know, it might be something worth it in the end." she smiles saying.

I laughed a bit "Fine. I'll try." I agreed.

"Good but you do have to tell me everything after cause and that's a threat missy." she say and I nod, laughing.

We then hugged and the door opened. We both parted and saw that it was Namjoon standing at the door looking handsome as ever. He was wearing dark blue button up shirt which showed his buff physique tucked inside a black fitted jeans, he had on a black leather shoes and a black coat. His hair was gelled back and he had on his glasses which made him look adorable.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." he apologizes.

Layla smiles "No problem Namjoon. I was just leaving. Enjoy your day." she said leaving us.

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