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Sat. 24th Sept, 2022

Author's POV

The Funeral...

Numb. As Namjoon stood in front of his bathroom mirror, slowly leaning over the sink as he took deep breaths. After enjoying his birthday with his friends and girlfriend, he was okay. It was the first birthday he had that wasn't terrible thanks to Angel but little did he know his world was about to change.

On the 18th, he got a call. The call that changed everything. His father died that day. At first he was in shock, then denial and now he was just numb. He couldn't cry. He felt relieved. He was hurt. He was mourning. It was like every emotion possible was hitting at him that he couldn't show any.

He turned on the pipe and washed his face trying to relax. When he finished, he turned off the pipe and left the bathroom. He walked inside his room to see Angel sitting on the bed fully dressed. He gave her a small smile before heading into his closet to finish dressing.

As for Angel, she was on edge. Ever since the death of his father, she was afraid that he would break. Ever since the call that Young-ho was admitted in, she has been on guard since. She tried her best to be there for him. The night when he got the call and her heart broke seeing the life drain from his face. She had to hold him as he fell to his knees that night, barely breathing which made her worry. She eventually got him out of the little phase but she couldn't help but watch his every move.

Meanwhile, Layla was fixing Jin's tie. She was also panicking. She knew Jin never had a good relationship with his father but it must have still hurt to hear he died or well that's what she thinks. They ended their honeymoon early in Hawaii to come back here. When they got the call that he passed, she saw no emotion in Jin after that and it scared her because today she will know what her husband is truly feeling.

As she finished, he kissed her cheek and continued to get dressed. Walking inside their closet, he puts on the black coat watching himself in the mirror. When he finished, he stood there, trying to console himself. He felt guilty and confused. How could he cry for someone who shattered him? He questioned himself. Ever since his fathers death, that was the only question that kept coming back.

He would look pathetic for crying right? But why did he feel guilty that he wasn't? He always wondered what his reaction would be when this time would come but he was lost. He was even more lost when he saw the same feeling running through his younger brother. He hated that because he feels like he can't say anything to ease his pain.

Releasing a deep sigh, he finally moved to put his watch on and leave. As he entered the living room, he was surprised to see Layla waiting with concerned eyes. Knowing she was probably overthinking, he gave her the best smile anyone could give. He knew it wouldn't fully work but for the moment it might be just enough.


Funeral Grounds...

As they arrived at the funeral grounds, Namjoon stood with Angel by his side with his brother and his wife at the entrance. During the whole funeral planning, Angel wasn't too fond of being here but she had no choice.

This was where she buried her parents so she was a bit down but she did her best to focus on Namjoon and Seokjin. Layla knew Angel was probably on edge being here but she knew Angel was strong enough to handle it. She didn't know the feeling of losing a parent but from experience with Angel, she knew it hurts.

While they waited at the entrance, there was a huge banner with Young-ho's picture with his birthday and last day on earth. Both Namjoon and Seokjin felt weirded out as people from all over walked passed them bowing respectfully and apologizing for their loss.

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