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Wed. 1st Nov. 2023

Angel's POV

I watched as he packed his briefcase looking completely emotionless. He has been like this since his mother came back. When I heard about her arrival, I mentally prepared myself because I was scared that he would slip back into his old ways or he would have a panic attack.

Surprisingly, he hasn't lashed out and he actually talked to me, well less talking and more crying but I felt really proud that he came to me instead and talked. I know after therapy, he wasn't sure how he would manage without his weekly vents but I made it my duty every night before to talk and make sure he is okay.

Now, I was just confused. He looks lost and really down. I've tried everything from going out, questioned him a lot, I even called Mrs. Harris and I tried seduction which he legit turned down having sex with me. That's when I definitely knew he had a lot on his mind. I really wish I could get through to him.

"Baby, why don't you stay home and I'll take over for the day?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed.

He turns his head looking at me. He looked really tired and it was actually aching my heart.

"It's fine. I just want to get ahead on some work." he says dryly and turns back to finish up.

Usually I take Wednesdays off to rest but with everything that happened, I wanted him to at least have some peace before going back to work.

Sighing softly to myself, I got up and made my way over to him. I hugged him from the back and I hear him release a soft sigh and relax from my touch.

"I know it's still bothering you but I'm here for you okay?"

He removed my arms, turned me around and pulled me in for a hug. He placed a subtle kiss on my head and I relaxed in his arms.

"I know baby but right now, I'm trying to cope with it in my own way." he says softly.

"Okay. Just don't hold out too long on me, I need you to be okay."

I smile when I hear and feel the vibrations of his soft chuckle as I lay on his chest.

"I promise baby."

I moved my head off his chest and looked up at him and he smiled while staring at me. I tiptoed and placed a soft peck on his lips and smiled.

He smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"I'm going to resurrect that cunt and kill him again but this time it will be a fucking homicide!" Shae growls angrily.

All the girls and Hoseok decided to meet at Shae and Hoseok's to talk. Shae and Hoseok just got back into town and wanted to know what happened when Yara came back.

Shae wasn't too happy to hear about Young-ho's cruel ways and is currently blowing up. Hoseok was pissed but stayed relatively calm since his wife was doing more than enough cursing for them both.

"It really sucks. Jungkook has been on his guard because he is afraid Namjoon will break." Ayanla says with a pout.

Ayanla became a good friend of ours and since she was late to everything, we gave her the whole run down when we all started hanging out more. She is very sweet and protective of everyone. Jungkook really outdid himself with this one, no offense to my best friend.

"I swear that old ass man is lucky he died because I would have been on his ass." Amira spats angrily.

As you can see, Amira and Shae are the ones who have the most anger issues and are very aggressive. Layla and I slowly followed behind them in that department but were better at handling our emotions. Ayanla, Ara and Kiara were more peacemakers instead. We all fit perfectly with each other.

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