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Seven months later...

Thurs. 24th Oct. 2024

Angel's POV

"Are you sure you're okay babe? Are the contractions far apart? Are you timing them? Do I need to come home?" Namjoon panicky asked.

I was two days away from my due date and I was currently feeling contractions or what you would call braxton hicks. It was honestly annoying and I really just wanted to enjoy my day without crying or complaining.

"I'm fine. It's just annoying." I answered.

He sighs with relief. "Okay but I'm coming home early today. The doctor said that your 4 centimeters dilated so we always have to keep watch. I need both of you to be okay." he says.

This side of Namjoon is what surprises me the most. It was very attractive as he was gentle, loving and protective of both his child and I. Something that I admired him for.

I smiled. "I will update you every hour babe. Go back to work."

He groans, probably annoyed that he had to be at work. "Fine but you better update me. I'm not playing with you Angel." he says in a stern tone.

"Ay ay captain." I joked.

He chuckles lightly. "I love you both."

"We love you too." I replied before he hung up.

I winced a bit, feeling a little pain but it slowly disappeared. Relaxing myself, I ate my fruits and watched TV. My pregnancy has been fairly easy for most part. I didn't feel a lot of symptoms but my cravings were really weird and my hormones were terrible. I've been on maternity leave for a month now since my back and ankles were aching. Otherwise the baby and I are fine.

These past seven months have honestly been life changing for everyone but in a good way.

Layla and Seokjin were still happily married and living happily with their son, Jiho who was now one and the cutest boy ever. He was talking a little bit and he was walking. His parents are sad that their baby is growing but also overexcited and fascinated by everything he does.

Shae and Hoseok were still going strong. Shae released an album in August and is currently planning her tour which will happen after my birth. Shae and Hoseok also decide to settle down after she finishes her tour and try for kids which is quite nice.

Taehyung and Ara were happier than ever. The couple tied the knot in August with a small intimate wedding between friends and family. I was the maid of honor while Namjoon was the best man. It was truly cute and I was glad to be by their side at that moment. They also brought their son, Taejun Amir Kim into the world on June 5th who is currently 4 months old and the cutest thing. He obviously took after his father looks but he for sure has a mother's attitude.

Yoongi and Amira finally got engaged and their wedding will be held next year. He did it by taking her on a helicopter tour around the city and when they landed, he proposed which she said yes without hesitation. I was really happy for them.

Jimin and Kiara were also engaged and getting married in December. I guess he was serious when he told her to get Marco's number for the end of the year. Our lover boy did a simple surprise gathering with her family and friends, popping the question which she cried and said yes. I can't lie, it was really cute and I was happy for them.

Jungkook and Ayanla also made huge moves. They moved in together for his birthday. It was her gift basically since he asked her and she told him when she is ready, he will know. Our youngest cried so hard when he saw all of her stuff packed away in his home and we all laughed and celebrated with him.

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