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Author's POV


Everyone's eyes widened at Taehyung's words, especially Namjoon and Seokjin who were still like statues, completely in shock and confusion. They wanted to move as the lady who gave them life was literally lifeless as she laid on the ground but it felt like their control over their body disappeared.

Taehyung cries. "Call the ambulance. My mother needs to go to the hospital. I will not lose her!" he screams.

Yoongi, still in shock, had to snap out of it. He then ordered his guards to clear the area as some people who were still inside the grounds were watching while Jungkook called for an ambulance. 

Layla tries to bring Seokjin back to focus so he could try to help but she knew it would be hard. She cupped his cheeks lowering his head to look at her.

As tears filled her eyes, she took constant deep breaths. "Come on baby, help her. I know right now you have a lot going on but come on," she paused as she slowly regained focus,"Focus baby, please" she begged him.

Seokjin closed eyes and opened them, releasing the air he was holding in. He moved past his wife and immediately kneeled to the ground next to Taehyung and his mother.

"Is she hurt anywhere?" Seokjin asked as he swiftly took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves.

Taehyung sniffs," Her head. She hit her head. She-she-I-bleeding," he stutters as his voice cracks.

Seokjin raised her head lightly, leaning down to see where the blood was coming from. When he saw the small cut at the back of her, spilling blood and his heart started racing.

He immediately tries his best to stop the bleeding hoping the ambulance would reach.

Ellen, Hoseok, Shae, Jimin and Kiara stood on the sideline worried as they watched everything unfold.

"What the hell is happening?" Kiara asked, panicking.

Ellen sighs. "That's their mother." she says and their eyes widen looking at her.

"I knew he looked familiar." Shae mumbles to herself.

"Wasn't she MIA?" Jimin asked, feeling a bit confused.

Ellen and Shae nod in response while everyone tries to put their minds around everything.

"Doesn't that means Taehyung is their brother. How?" Hoseok asked, watching between Shae and Ellen, who were the only ones who could give them answers.

"There's a lot to explain right now." Ellen says frustrated.

Shae shrugs. "I don't know much but I know for a fact that if Namjoon doesn't regain focus, it's going to be more than just her being admitted to the hospital." she said worriedly as they looked at Angel trying to bring Namjoon back.

Angel was trying her hardest to bring Namjoon back to focus as she held his face but he was completely out of it. She tries to keep his eyes focused on her but he keeps looking over at his mother.

"Baby, you have to speak or move. You want to go to her?" she cries asking.

Namjoon could hear her but he couldn't respond. He just kept watching Seokjin and Taehyung as they helped his mother. His mother. He knew the day would come where he would see her but he didn't expect it, especially not today.

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