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Sat. 9th Apr. 2022

Angel's POV

Sitting down on my couch, I scrolled through my phone looking at old pictures with my parents. I missed them. I wish they were here to help me. I haven't been to work since Namjoon offered for me to rest. I remember the day at the office like it happened yesterday.

I remember the sadness that his eyes held when he made his confession. Even thinking about it made my heart ache but I'm also not that pissed. Namjoon seems more broken than I thought. Seeing how messed up he looked after we broke up made me think about a lot.

You can simply say I was expecting him to fuck up. I knew our break up would have done something to let him lose his mind, the only issue is I wish that it didn't lead him to sleeping with someone else.

When I woke up that day in my office, I immediately panicked. I spent the entire time sleeping. I knew I was lacking some but still I had my job to do. That's when I made the decision to confront him.

When I reached his office, I couldn't help myself but watch him as he packed his briefcase. He looked a bit different from earlier. He seemed more at peace and I guess that is why I made the decision for us to meet.

Today was that day. We made plans to meet for dinner just like the old times difference is, it will probably be nerve wrecking. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Getting up off my couch, I quickly rushed to the door to see who it was. I was surprised to see Jimin, Layla and Shae standing at my door.

I immediately opened the door and smiled. I haven't seen Shae in a long time. Shae and I immediately latched on to each other as we hugged tightly.

"Are you okay?" she asks as we pull apart.

"Somewhat but I'm really glad to see you." I smiled.

Shae smiles "Yeah, I need to be off the grid for a bit." she explains.

I simply gave her a nod. Shae and I have actually gotten close. She was really excited about me being in Namjoon's life. In return, I was happy to meet her. She was truly a good person and I liked that. That's why I was hurt when she wasn't speaking to anyone.

Knowing how close of a bond she had with Namjoon, it wasn't surprising when Shae spoke to no one. We all did check in on her but also gave her time. Even if I don't know the full story about what went wrong with Jessica, I knew it was a big deal and Shae was a major part of it.

I gestured for them to come inside as we all entered the living room. I quickly hugged Layla and Jimin as well before we all sat down. We all started to catch up after a while. Layla explained that she and Jin finally found a venue for their wedding. Of course we all got excited at those words. Layla and Jin were truly goals.

Jimin explained that his family was alright. He went home to spend some time with them. He also explained that his brother was almost graduating which only made us smile. Jimin loved his little brother and always tried his best to be there.

As for Shae, she explained that she and Hoseok found a place. That made all of us scream excitement. It meant they were staying and I was actually glad for that. Hoseok was a really good guy and I can see a friendship developing with him.

"So what about you?" Jimin asked. I then noticed all eyes were on me. Shit.

I shrugged, "Nothing new."

Layla scoffs "We know you have tea so share."

"She is right. I also want to hear your side of the break up." Shae said and everyone looked at her.

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