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Sat. 28th Oct. 2023

Author's POV

Yara stood in front of Taehyung's apartment door trying to contain her nerves. She arrived in New York, Thursday evening and booked a hotel. She wanted nothing more than to see her children but she was scared. Everything she knew was a lie and with Namjoon and Seokjin already struggling, she didn't want to add to their pain.

When she left Young-ho, her intentions were to get her sons but Young-ho ruined that and ruined what she thought was the truth. She knew it was mostly her fault as to why her sons went through such a terrible situation.

She loved Young-ho as a friend until feelings came in. They weren't strong but she was already married to him. He was also her best friend so what better way to build a life with someone than a person you've known since you were six years old.

Giving birth to Seokjin was the best thing that happened to her. She also felt good that she had a partner who cared enough about her well being and her son. Sadly when things got bad with Young-ho and the business, he became abusive.

Every shred of emotion she held towards him disappeared and she lost her best friend. Instead of confronting him, she fell for someone. When Young-ho found out, she was scared because she could have lost everything so she did what she could.

Seducing him was her only plan but then she gained another son. Even though Namjoon wasn't what she expected, she loved him. She tried to reconcile with Young-ho but she couldn't, not when her heart was with another man.

So she continued her affair which led to her giving birth to another son, Taehyung. She freaked out and hid it as long as she could. Sadly, Young-ho found out about Taehyung and things escalated.

That night when she asked for divorced, she felt like the worst person on earth because that wasn't who she was. So instead of lying anymore, she told him the truth about everything.

When they got divorced, she tried her best to keep in contact with her sons because she was already talking with lawyers but Young-ho was fighting hard against her.

When she eventually won the custody battle, she heard the worst possible news and she became broken goods. She hated Young-ho so much that she even tried to kill him but Taehyung's father, Minho did his best to rebuild her.

She eventually gained her normal self back and got remarried. If she knew everything was a lie, she would have taken her sons. She knew it was too late especially after running away but this was her only chance to reunite with them which is why she was here.

Her first step was Taehyung. She struggled with her decision as to who she should go to first but if Taehyung understood why she did what she did, maybe he could help Namjoon and Seokjin understand.

After Taehyung, she wanted to see Seokjin since he was older and he could also help when she told Namjoon. Even though Taehyung was her youngest, Namjoon was her unexpected blessing and knowing how much he went through, she knew she was going to need all the help she could. It was the only way she thought.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door softly, waiting with her hands clasped in front of her and her handbag lodged on shoulder. She heard the shuffling and footsteps as they made their way to the door. Few seconds later, the door opened and she was met with her son.


He stood there completely frozen as he watched her with a blank expression. Taehyung knew about her arrival but seeing her here in front of him, he was shocked. He wanted nothing more than to hug her but he was also angry.

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