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Sun. 22nd May, 2022

Angel's POV


We were finally in Miami and let's just say it has been eventful. Most of our workshops were a mixture of outside activities and building team work to strengthen our company. This was also the first time we've had our CEO fully join us. He usually came to them but stayed hidden because of his privacy but that has changed.

Everyone got to spend time and speak with him. There were approximately four to five hundred employees working at our company and surprisingly Namjoon made sure everyone got the chance to speak with him even if it was for two minutes. I really admired how much he cared for them.

This was my third time at our annual workshop and this one was truly the best. When we arrived on the 15th, everyone was a bit jet lagged and we all had to rest early since the next day would be the beginning of the workshop week.

Everyone had to partner up to share rooms. Layla ended up sharing with Jimin since she begged Namjoon because she didn't want to be stuck with anyone else. He agreed of course and as for me, I was stuck with him. Not that I am complaining. Things between us have been really good and it was better than before. He spoke to me more about his feelings and honestly he seemed more carefree. We didn't spend much time together as yet but we were okay.

On the 16th, we had the welcoming ceremony inside one of the conference rooms here at the hotel. Namjoon was very excited to finally be the one to open up this year and everybody welcomed him. We all ate and got to know each other as we also learned the schedule for the rest of the week.

On the 17th, a morning walk and race was held in one of the parks. That day was truly fun. Everyone was in high spirits cheering on everyone that raced. I also joined the race with Layla as my partner and we came 5th. The original winners were Jungkook and Jimin which was cool since they became mutual friends. Namjoon and Ellen got second which surprised everyone. Ellen may be old but she never let it get her down.

On the 18th-20th, each department separated in their groups and went to seminars held at the hotel. Of course, Namjoon and his team had to attend a few of the seminars to speak but we had special guests from different advertising agencies and few investors to speak. I also learned a lot myself and wrote down information for future use.

On the 21st, Namjoon and the board of directors held a big luncheon as a celebration of our growth. Kim Co. believed in team work and the way everyone connected to have fun was truly amazing to witness once again. The night ended perfectly as we ate, joked around and danced around. I meant it when I said this was one of the best workshops ever.

Now today was the last day before everyone went on their little mini vacation for the rest of the week. As I sat down next to Ellen and Namjoon, we simply waited for the hostess to begin.

Namjoon brushed my shoulder gently and I turned my head to see him smiling. "I have something planned for us tonight." he whispers.

"Ouu, a date?" I teased.

He chuckles softly "Something of that sort. When we get back to our room just shower and meet me on the beach." he demands and I nod smiling.

The sound of someone tapping the mic made us turn our head towards the stage. The hostess was an employee named Mariah who runs over the graphic design department.

"Today will be your last workshop where we all talk about how much we've learned pertaining to new skills and better work ethics." the hostess announced and everyone clapped.

"Last night, we told each department to write a few sentences and give their head of the department to read today. Did everyone do so?" she asked as she scanned around the room.

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