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Mon. 3rd Oct. 2022

Angel's POV

"So you're telling me it's going to take a month to renew the tombstones?" I asked, frustrated as I rubbed my temples.

"Yes Miss Reed. This is the fastest we can do. I'm sorry." the male replies a little nervous.

I sigh. "Fine. Thank you." I say as I hang up.

I laid my head on the desk as I felt myself becoming emotional once again. Ever since that night, I have been crying non-stop. I called family members to inform them about the issue. Some answered and apologized while others didn't care to answer. The only other parent figures I have in my life, Ivanka and Richard, were so saddened by the news that they planned to fly here as soon as possible.

Just like me, Layla wasn't taking it well. It was expected since they were another parent figure to her before they died. Our friend group was also hurting to see Layla and I this way, especially Shae who probably burst a vein in her head.

We tried to keep everything from Ellen since we didn't want her worrying and more concerned about her health but somehow she found out. Again, that took a lot of work to keep her from strangling Jessica in the hospital.

Apart from that, everyone has tried to cheer us up but it was hard. I worked really hard to make sure they were buried here and for that toxic bitch to ruin it all because of jealousy, pissed me off.

Speaking of, she was still in the hospital. Apparently, as the doctors explained to Namjoon, her skull is slightly cracked. Did I feel bad? No. That bitch should have dropped and died but I can see that will lead me down a path I wouldn't like. Good thing is, she confessed to the cops and told them who else was involved.

I thought I would have to go through court or something but destroying property, trespassing and emotional harm to the victim was enough to charge them including Jessica for about two years in prison.

That alone made me somewhat at peace but I was still hurt. Sniffing, I raised my head and wiped my tears. I can't have another breakdown or else Joon would definitely lose his mind.

He has been worried and I can see that it's affecting him that I wasn't okay. I had multiple breakdowns at work, at home and even in public. Trust me, one more and he was probably going to murder her himself.

Trying to console myself, I took a few deep breaths and tried to relax. I was about to occupy myself when my door opened revealing my boyfriend. I gave him the best smile I could force but he immediately frowned.

He closes the door and turns back to me. I stood up as I walked from behind my desk and met him in the middle of my room. He cups my cheeks, scanning my face with concern.

"Did you have another breakdown?" He interrogates.

Knowing I can't lie to him, I nod in response. I watched as his face held a blank expression which made me worry. He then nodded and placed a kiss on my forehead.

He let go of my cheeks and held my hand. "I'll do my best to get out of prison as early as I can. I'll hire the best lawyer, I'll probably get out in five year-"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, I'm killing the bitch. She will be dead by tomorrow." he says with all seriousness.

I sighed. "Babe, I told you not to worry-"

He scoffs. "This is the fifth teen time you've cried in a week. I can't do this no more Angie. It's driving me crazy to see you like this."

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