Chapter 78

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Etsu's POV

The night I showed Captain Ryu's letter was the night I was told to start packing.

Captain said that he was planning on heading to Greif soon after this assassination plot had been resolved, or at least, mostly resolved.

But of course, Captain is surprisingly cautious, so he's sending me there ahead of time in order to get enough information for when he arrives.

He had said that he didn't expect to be stuck in Richt for long, maybe 2 or 3 weeks at most, but that's plenty of time to go all the way to Greif and back.

But, I'm not one to ignore orders, and it gets me away from politics, so I can't be more grateful.

I had finished packing relatively quickly, considering we had only returned from Alzibria not long ago, so we hadn't had much time to rest.

I was already off by the morning, a long journey ahead of me.

With a horse, I expected the journey to take around a week or two, depending on the weather.

It also depended on whether my horse had enough stamina, but that wasn't my biggest concern.

Greif was near the north of the Kingdom, which is around the center of the continent, which is typically just grassland.

This means that water will likely be hard to come by, so I'll have to make some stops at different villages and towns on my travels.

Though, I could get lucky and encounter some travelling merchants who could be kind enough to let me buy some water, but I shouldn't hope for it.

I could already tell that it was going to be a long journey.

Astrid's POV

Duke Boule's Estate was unkempt to say the least.

It had moss covering the mansion, with cracks insulting its former beauty.

Weeds climbed and slivered up the walls that surrounded the area, full of freedom, yet still constrained, unable to escape from the estate.

It wasn't a place that I thought would be habitable. It reminded me more of a graveyard than it did a home, with a solemn mood covering every inch.

The entire estate was similar, with it looking like it had been abandoned for years.

But connected to this decrepit house was the doorway, a clean doorway. One that didn't look real when looking at it in view with the rest of the building.

No moss tried to infect the doorway, instead it shied away, as if repelled by some sort of force.

It was clearly well-kept, unlike the rest of the house, and through my {Magic Awareness}, I could see a dull green emenate from the door.

Earth magic had been cast on the door to prevent anything from touching it, or the door was enscribed with a dwarven rune.

Well, either way, it wasn't something entirely important, but it did atleast show that someone lives here. I doubt anyone would go to the lengths of putting magic, or even better a dwarven rune, on a door to a place no-one lives.

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