Chapter 3

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Knight's POV

They're near the cliff. That's where I last felt the presence of mana. Probably water magic from the flow of the mana. But now there's nothing, no trace of it. I must have been walking for longer than I thought for all traces of the mana to have dissipated.

But it is near here. I'm certain. Yet, there's nothing around to signal the fact that water magic has been used. It wasn't strong magic, there was too little mana for it to be high ranked. It had to have been a low ranked spell, like [Waterball] or [Douse].

Wait, maybe I'm wrong. There is a hint of magic. A little speck. But it's not water magic, it doesn't flow freely enough. It has to be earth magic, the mana is almost at a stand still.

But why would earth magic be used? It isn't high ranked earth magic either, its probably either [Rise] or [Fall],or some other low ranked magic.

A cliff wall, faint traces of low ranks earth magic, previous traces of water magic. Where did it go? Its almost as if the mana isn't even here.

Wait, no, that's wrong, it is here. But not in this exact spot.

Could it be...

The Boy's POV

There's knocking at the wall. It's probably a small monster considering the strength. Maybe a rabbit or a firnir.

Maybe I should go out and kill it, get some more food. I need it much more now than usual because of my failure of a hunt.

For now, let's get a grasp on where it is outside.

Placing my hands on the ground, I whisper,


I can feel the waves of my mana rippling through the ground, like echolocation.

But I do not find any monster. Instead, I sense the figure of a soldier, with one hand against the cliff, and the other knocking against it.

"... Shit."

And only seconds later, the wall that separated me and the Knight was cut open, dust flowing everywhere within the small hole that I had been living in.

At the entrance looms the menacing figure of the Knight in a battle ready stance, holding their sword with both hands, calm and composed.

Knight's POV

Slicing through the wall conjured through [Rise], I am presented with a child on his back, staring open eyed at me.

"Are yo-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he scrambles towards one side of the hole, towards a small backpack in the corner.

Without me being able to process why, the boy unsheathes a short sword and begins to stand.

"P-please leave." (Boy)

"Wait, wait, before I do, I need you to put down that sword." (Knight)

"I'm - I'm not going to do that, who knows what you'll do." (Boy)

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