Ten: Okay. That Just Happened.

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"Will you go on a....date with me?"

Did he really just ask that, I can't actually believe this. Sadly, I've never been on a date before. This whole 'crushing' type of thing is new to me.

I look up at him, his eyes hopeful. My mouth spoke before my brain could eve think of an answer.

"Yeah, I would love to go on a date with you." I smile, he sighs in relief.

"I'm so glad to hear that!" He laughs, as I join in.

"Why were you so nervous?" I ask.

He smiles,"Because I- nevermind. I gotta go, alright. See you, tomorrow night." He says hurriedly, walking away.

What was that?

I wanted to ignore it, but somehow I just couldn't. It was like he was scared to admit something.

That he lik- ugh, I shake my head. Lauren finally arrives handing me a drink, my stressed self gulps it down.

Feeling the burn of the drink go down my throat. After a few drinks later, Lauren and I were drunk. Dancing crazily on the floor. When I felt hands wrap around my waist. I turn my head seeing a stranger, but yet cute guy.

"Hey, babe." He whispers in my ear, I try to push him away. He wouldn't budge, I yelled for him to let go.

"Sorry, you're coming with me." He says, and after awhile his hands grip lands off my waist. I turn around, seeing the guy on the floor.

I look up seeing Harry looking coldly at him. "Camila, are you alright?" He asks. He grabs my hand taking away from the guy.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks, Harry." I give him a hug, I look at him feeling weird.

"I'll be right back!" I yell, I go over to the bar getting a few drinks gulping them down.

I feel arms on my shoulder, I jump. "It's fine, Camila." I hear Harry's voice say. "I think you have had enough to drink for one night." He says. He guides me outside, I walk almost falling over. I fall down, my face hitting the pavement outside.

"Ouch!" I say, Harry turns around helping me up.

"Are you okay?" He asks, concerned. I laugh,"Of course, Harry!" I giggle. He shakes his head, and picks me up.

Not wanting me to fall again. He sits me in his car, as he began to drive. "Harry!" I exclaim.

"What? Camila" He asks.

"I forgot! I forgot Lauren is still there!!" I laugh, laying down in the backseat.

"Well, it's too late to go back now." He says, looking at the traffic behind us.

I giggle,"Haha. Harry you have long hair!" I say. He chuckles, ignoring me.

"Harry did you know..." I say, finally stopping the giggling.

"Did I know what?" He asks, clearly curious.

"That I think you're cute." I say laughing.

He laughs too, a bit surprised "Oh, really Camila." I hum as I meant 'yes'.

"Well, I think you're cute too." He says, sighing. My still sane part of me, wondering why he sighed.

He stops in front of a apartment building. He picks me up bridal style, and walks into it. Laying me down on a bed.

"I'm tired Harry." I say, yawning.

"Go to sleep then, Camila." He says, he leaves the room.

I fall asleep after a long night. But I could've sworn, I felt a soft kiss land on my forehead.
For any misunderstanding, the other 'dates' Harry and Camila went on. Weren't really official, just saying. The date he asked her to go with him, this chapter will be there first official date. Hope I cleared that up.

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