Forty-Eight: Pain.

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It's been a few days, I've been in this chair tied up. I've been hurt, each hour. The first few hours, they gave me little cuts around my body, that hurt like hell.

But I guess they didn't want me to die, now they just kick and sometimes punch me. No one came in here for the past two days, I guess their rethinking their plan.

I hated this, I was in pain. I haven't eaten since the last time I was at Harry's flat.

I wanted to be back In his arms, I could barely talk anymore. My throat burned, every time I tried to yell for help.

There was times I thought that I was going to die, that they were going to kill me.

I was going to be laying in my own pool of blood, dead across this stony cold floor. I sigh, I look behind me seeing a window.

My chair I was sitting in, was far away from it though.

If I could get over their I could try to get it open. "Camila, now. You know you can't leave. Until we get what we want." A different voice chuckles, from the corner of the room.

It wasn't a Tyler chuckle, this voice was way deeper, and it seemed it came from someone older.

"W-What?" I stutter, as I couldn't get a full sentence out. Because of my throat. He got closer and closer, before I screamed.

Harry's Pov:

"Okay, we have three places where she could be." Liam, says coming out of a room with Louis. I look over at them with an hopeful look.

"First, you know that building in the upper part of London, that he owns. It's empty, in it. Like how the room is in the video of her." Liam says, looking at a paper he wrote on.

"Second, he owns that house, torn up one. That he was suppose to get rebuilt. Third, that other storage building, that had that huge empty basement, that's in the west of London." Louis says, Liam nodding.

"Let's check out these places, come on!" I say, hope showing clearly off of me.

We all got into the van, on our way to the first place. We had our guns and any other things we needed to get her back. I hope she's alright. I was going to give the flash drive back, but the others didn't want me to.

Saying that we would get her back, before she got hurt. But they were wrong, and now she's hurt and alone.


I shake my head, at those thoughts.

"Let's go to the the building in the north first." I suggest, everyone agreeing.
It took awhile before we actually arrived, and I hurried out. I ran to the front entrance, I broke the door open.
But it was quiet.

Too quiet, for a person to be kidnapped in here. She would be screaming for help, or people would be I'm here.

In case she excapes, then I sigh realizing she isn't here.

I leave, with a sad frown. "Next stop." I say, as we got back in the van.

Lauren Pov:

I was in van, as I looked at Harry. You could see he was in obvious pain, without knowing if Camila was alright or not.

I was in pain too, my best friend is hurt and I can't do a thing about it.

But I know we will find her, Harry won't and wouldn't give up on her.

You can see it in his eyes, how determined he is to find her. I smile mentally, knowing she picked the right guy for herself.

I was on my phone, trying to distract myself from thinking about Camila. My phone vibrated, I was getting a call.

I didn't look at the caller, but just answered. "Hello?"

"Lauren! Lauren!?" I hear Camila's voice whisper.
I gasp, catching everyone's attention.

"Please help me! Tell Harry!"

I hand the phone over to him. Knowing I couldn't be any help in the situation, since I don't know where she could even be at.

Harry's Pov:

"Camila?" I ask, in disbelief.

"Harry! Please help me! I just- I don't know where I am.." She whispers.

"Calm down, baby. Look outside please, what do you see?" I ask, trying to stay calm and strong.
But so happy she was alright.
"Um, it's kinda dark, but there's a bus stop right in front of the building I'm in. There no building near by, it's just mountains and trees surrounding this building," she says,

"Okay, I'll be there baby. Don't worry. I'm gonna get you out, alright?"

"Alright, I love you." She whispers.

"I love you.." then the line shuts off, making me sigh.

"She said that she's in a building, surrounded by mountain and trees. Plus there's a bus stop in front of the building."

I repeat from what she told me.

Liam nods, then speaks,"That's the building on the west side. Okay, we have to hurry." He drives a bit faster than before.

I'm coming for you, baby.

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