Sixteen: Did Anything Over PG Happen On This Couch?

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It was a few hours after the incident, and he helped me get back to sleep. I have to thank Harry for that, he really helped me. Usually I would've been gloomy, and sad this morning but I feel like my normal self. Sad but not as sad as I would be been if I was by myself. Harry stayed the night with me, wanting to make sure I was okay.

Right now we were sprawled on the couch, him behind me as his arm was wrapped around my waist. It was so comforting that I couldn't help but fall asleep in his arms again. But that's when I heard the front door open and slam.

Lauren is home. I jump up, from Harry. As he woke up slowly, rubbing his eyes.
Haha, I made it sound like I was having an secret affair with Harry and Lauren couldn't know..hahah I need to stop.

Camila stop it!

He stood up from the couch, "Whats up?" He asks, with a yawn.

I wanted to melt at that it was so cute, but I decided to ignore that butterfly feeling in my stomach.

"Nothing. Lauren just got home." I say, calmly.

Me already knowing she would've accused me of doing something with him. He nods, "Well, I need to get back home. I'll see ya, later?"

I nod and he smiles kissing me on the cheek, dangerously close to the corner of my lips.

"Bye, Camila." He hugs me and walks out the door.

Lauren walks in, seeing him walk out. She wiggles her eyebrows,
"Is my little Camz still a innocent virgin?" She asks, with a wink.
I gasp, loudly. Her grinning, big.

"Lauren! Oh my god! Lauren!" I yell, she laughs.

"I didn't do that with Harry!" I say.

She groans, "Aww, I was hoping you would have.." she says with a sad smile.

I sigh shaking my head. "So what did the two of you do then?" She asks.

I told her, including the nightmare. She already knew that I had them, so she was rubbing my back and I told her what happened in it.

"I'm sorry, Camz." She says, quietly.

I nod, knowing that she was going to say that. I sigh, still sitting on the couch.

"Okay, before I sit down on this couch, did any thing over PG happen on it?" She asks, innocently.

I blush a deep red, "Stop! Lauren!" She laughs, as she told how her day yesterday went.

Ends up that now she's crushing on Niall. Aww, my boo Lauren.

She laughs, at my reaction. We continue to talk, and we watch movies and eat popcorn for the rest of the day.
Yeah, we are boring people.
Sorry for the short chap, but good that I updated a few days in row so yeah!!!
Hope you liked it!

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