Fifty-Three: Broken

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The picture on the side has nothing to do with the chapter, but I just thought that it was funny. It's basically life. Lol vote and comment please. If i get a good amount of votes ill update again today.

Camila's Pov:

I was in my old room, in Lauren's house. Niall and Louis downstairs. Its been a few days, and tears were still falling down my cheeks, Lauren tried to cheer me up.

But I just pushed her away, I wanted to be alone. I knew I didn't want to see him again, or I would just burst into tears.

Am I acting over dramatic?

I don't even know, I just know that this hurt. Him telling me to forget him, hurt.
This pain, is definitely in the top 3 pains I've felt in my entire life.

My throat burned, from the sobbing. My eyes were sore and red from the crying. It wasn't even the physical pain, that hurt the most.

It was just my heart, it felt like It has gotten shattered in little pieces.

I couldn't stay here. I had to leave, I can't stay in England anymore. My 'fresh start' plan didn't end well at all.

I should've just stayed in Miami, or never went to England. Why couldn't I go to Australia or something around the lines of that.

I just had to go to England and fall in love.
I'm just stupid. I knew love wouldn't work out for me, I sigh trying wipe the tears from my eyes.

I'm being a little girl right now, crying over some boy.

He's not some boy, he's Harry.

I just felt weak. A feeling I don't want to feel. A knock was heard at my door,

"Leave. Me. Alone." I say, trying to have a serious tone to it. But just end sounding like a dying walrus.

The door opens anyway, it was Lauren.

She looks at me, pity filled her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Camila." She says, sadly.

"Can you do me a favor?" I ask, she nods.

"Can you get my stuff from Harry's flat. I really don't want to go back there." I say, as my voice cracks at his name.

"Okay, Camz." She smiles, she hugs me. Before she leaves the room, leaving me alone to cry.

Lauren's Pov:

I arrived at Harry's flat, I knock on the door. He opens the door, but when I seen him I almost gasped in shock.

His eyes were red, his hair was all messy. He had bags under his eyes, he looked horrible.

"No offense, but you look horrible." I say, walking in.

"Thanks." He replies, sarcastically. I roll my eyes,

"Where is Camz's stuff?" I ask, a little bit in a rushing tone. I knew if stayed here any longer, I would do something crazy.

For example; kick him, hit him, slap him, curse him out.

I was pissed; actually I still am. He did that to her, yes, I know he wanted to protect her.

But he could have done it, another way. There's other ways to keep her safe, instead of breaking her.

He looks at me, sadness in his red rimmed eyes; from crying.

"Her stuff is in my room. Her suitcase is still full, she never got to unpack." He replies, softly.

I nod, "Less work for me." I mumble, before walking towards his room.

Harry's Pov:

As I seen Lauren walk into my room, I sighed. I knew Camila, was hurting.
As was I. But I knew I had to do this, for Camila.

After she told me, that I healed her. But then broke her, it tore me into pieces. That was opposite of what I wanted to do.
After she left, I broke down.
But it's not like I can change it.

You broke her..

I broke her, and it was too late.

Lauren came out of the room, and left without saying a goodbye.

I don't blame her though, her best friend is breaking because of me.

But I had to do this. She has to stay away from me. Or maybe she'll be the one to get killed.

Camila's Pov:

"Camila, everything will be alright." I hear quiet voice whisper. It sounded super familiar. Then it dawned on me, it was my father's.

"Everything will be okay, it will take time." He whispers again.
"What if it doesn't get better?" I ask, quietly. "It will."

I wake up, coughing.

Why did I have that dream?

Nothing is making since, I need to get away. Lauren arrived, with my clothes and guitar.

"Lauren, I need to leave." I speak up.

"What?" She asks, confusion in her eyes.

"I need to leave here. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to get out of here. I want run away from all of this."

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