Fourteen: Bored..

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I woke up with a smile on my face, I didn't know how to react. I felt better today, I don't know how.

I didn't want to believe that because Harry said goodnight to me last night was the reason why I didn't have a nightmare. It couldn't be the reason right.

We only kissed, like one time, that actually was a real kiss and not a quick little peck on the cheek. We've never even talked about it afterwards. We opened to each other, only a tiny bit.

But for some reason, I felt something different towards him. I always told myself before I came here to not fall for any cute British boys, but I think I already disobeyed the main rule I had set.

Yes, I might like him. But one reason why I don't want to be in a relationship is the heart breaks. I don't want to be cheated, or broken up with.

Then you cry, and feel horrible. I can't with this. I seen those romance movies, I've seen bad relationships. Even if I haven't been in one, I know mostly all of them end badly.

Like Harry told me, he said his last one didn't end well either. He still isn't quite over it, it seems like. I don't know why, but thinking about him not over his ex, makes me feel a weird feeling in my chest.

Shaking those crazy thoughts of a relationship, out of my head. I walk downstairs, seeing a note on the table. I read it.

Hey, sorry for leaving! I went out with someone for breakfast, there is pancakes on the stove!
Ps. The someone isn't Niall!!
I love ya, Camz!!♡ I'll make it up ya! Byee,  woah this note is too long, sorry bout that camz. Bye♡

I smile at her note, sitting back down. I lay down on my couch bored.

Then I get a text, from Harry.

Harry: Hey, I'm a bit bored. :(

I smile, shaking my head.

Me: yeah me too. Lauren left me alone in the house :( booorrreeeddd.

He replies almost instantly.

Harry: be there in ten min.

I look at the text shocked, laughing slightly. But also nervous, that he was coming here with me. I don't know why, but I was.

A day with Harry, will be quite interesting.

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