Thirty Nine: Shooting.

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Harry's Pov:
We were on our way towards the storage buliding, that stored all of the weapons and bullets. We had only a few weapons right now in our hands, incase of it being guarded we could defend ourselves.

Dave's actual territory buliding where his office was, is a few blocks away from the storage buliding. It was only a slight chance we would run into him, only ones we run into is people who work for him. I felt a weird feeling in my gut, when we finally arrived.

Something was going to happen, and I don't even know if we're ready for it. We got out slowly, not seeing anybody around. It was quiet.

But I remember when I used to work for him, and was a trusted worker I used walk around. It always being anything but quiet. Something was going on, and I didn't even know what it was.

"Liam!" I whisper, sharply. He turns to me,"What?" He asks, not really paying attention.

As we walked closer to the buliding, guns in our hands. "Something is wrong. Remember usually people is around, but it's quiet." I whisper.

Liam looks around, finally noticing it, "Yeah, I see. Let's just hurry up, before we get caught." He replies, as we open the door with no problem.

All of us, go back into the room, grabbing as much stuff as we could.

We hurried back into van sitting the stuff in the trunk, when a gun shot was heard. "Drop it!" A familiar voice yells, we all turn around. Seeing about six other guys, starting back at us, with guns.

It was guys that we used to work with, "Why should we?" Louis asks, raising up his gun.

"If you don't we will kill you." The guys warns, I think his name was John? We don't lower our guns, we just stare at them not backing down. Then Camila's face flashing in my mind, I have to protect. Stay alive for her.

One of the six guys, raised their gun and started to shoot. Louis falls falls into the ground holding onto his leg, while he cries in pain.

That's when all hell broke loose. Gun bullets going everywhere, Liam jumped into the car, starting it.

Telling us to hurry, I felt something hit hardly against my arm, sending pain down my while arm.

But I didn't think of it, trying to help Louis. We got him in the car, driving away fast.

My arm started to feel extreme pain, when I look it was bleeding. I got shot. I held it tightly, not wanting to lose a lot of blood.

But even if I was shot, the only thing on my mind was Camila.

Hoping she was alright at my apartment, if she was happy. If she was hurt. If I'm good for her, or if I'm putting her in danger.

Camila. My girl.

I couldn't believe a girl as perfect as her would ever love me.

Camila's Pov:

I was walking back and forth across the living room. Biting my nails- a bad habit I have consumed- I was worried about Harry. I hope he was alright. They've been gone for about and hour now.

I don't want to see him hurt. The only thing I have right now is hope. I stop walking when the door opens, I look over seeing them walk in.

Louis being carried by Niall and Zayn. Liam walks in next, before Harry.

I sigh in relief, seeing his face again. "I'm glad you're alright." I hug him, when he winces. I look at him in confusion, when I see his arm.


Blood was basically gushing out of arm. I gasp, grabbing him taking him towards the bathroom.

"What happened?" I asked.

He shrugs,
"I'm fine, Camila." He says, but then winces again. I sigh, "Please, Harry." I say.

"I got shot." I look at him in shock,

"You have to go to the hospital!" I say, standing him up,

"No! I can't, Camila." I keep pleading when I finally convince him, and when I found out about Louis. I convinced him too.


"Harry how did the doctor believe that stupid story?" I say, with a slight smile. He shakes his head,

" I don't know, but I do know one thing." He says.

"What?" I ask, with a smile as I walk into his room.

"I know that I love you." He says, kissing me on the lips with passion. He pulls away, making me blush.
"You're amazing."
He laughs, at how I was blushing crazily.
"I love you, Harry."

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