Forty: Jealous

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"Harry, it's fine. We don't have to go today.." I say, looking at his injured wrapped arm. He shakes his head, stubbornly. "I know you really wanted to go to that new restaurant down the street. It's fine. The doctor didn't say that I was bedridden or anything." He chuckles.

I sigh,"Alright, let's go." I say, in defeat. Harry says a loud 'yes!' In victory, making me laugh. We walk to the restaurant talking about the weirdest things, and me asking things about Dave. But he didn't want to tell much about it, saying how I would be in even more danger, if he told me anymore.

As we sat down, I looked around seeing that it was an 'old fashioned' styled. It was cute. I ordered fries and a burger, as Harry ordered the same. "I have to go to the restroom, be right back babe." He smiles, making me nod as he walked towards the men's room.

I drop my menu, ugh. I get out of the booth, bending down the grab it. As I stood up, I bumped into someone. I turn around see in a guy around my age, maybe a bit older. He was cute, not as cute as Harry.
I smile embarrassed,"Sorry..I'm a clumsy one." I laugh, lightly.

The guy grins,"It's fine. I'm Tyler." He says, politely. I shake his offered hand,"Camila." I say, something flashes though his eyes. But I ignore it.
"I'm sorry but I have to say this. You're very beautiful." He flatters, making me lightly blush. I chuckle,"Thanks; I guess?" He laughs,"Do you want to meet up sometime?" He asks. Like a date?
"Uh, sorry. But I have a..boyfriend." I stop, Harry is my boyfriend right? Just without the label, but we are together.

Tylers face drops a little, but still has a light smile on his face. "Oh okay. As friends?" I nod, "Sure." He walks away, making me think for a while. A few seconds later, Harry walks back over. He sits down,"Who in the hell was that?" He asks, with jealous tone in his voice.

A grin finds its way onto my face, "Harry are you jealous?" I ask; he looks down, then finally meets my eyes again. "Yeah, I'll admit it. I'm jealous. I don't want my girl, the girl I love talking to other guys.." he says, I wanting to hug him. "Aw, Harry. You can trust me. You're the only guy I love." I smile.

His saddened face, looks up with a smile. "You're the only girl I love." He kisses me from across the table, before our food finally came. We ate up, fast as it was very good.
Sorry that it's very short, this chap is a filler. This chap needed to happen though, so feature BIG events could happen. So I'm sorry for this crappy chap. But if you would, please vote and comment.

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