Fifty-Four: Just A Dream.

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"Are you sure?" Lauren asks, helping me pack up.

I nod,"Yeah, I think being here isn't helping anything." I reply, coughing because of my sore throat.

"Where are you going to go?" She asks, I shrug.

"Maybe, back to Miami for awhile. Or New York. Remember I used always want to go there. I guess it depends," I continue, not meeting her eyes.

After all my packing was done, I gave her a soft smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright. I'll find my way, you already did a lot. You're parents are paying for my plane ticket and everything. I just feel bad." I reply, she shakes her head.

"You know, that they don't care. Plus, I'll miss you Camzi." She chuckles, lightly. I roll my eyes playfully, "I'll miss you too. Tell the guys I'll miss them too." I say, then Harry came to mind.

I just wanted to be his again.

I don't want to forget him.

I want to be with him.

I shake my head at those thoughts, before giving Lauren a hug.

"Let's have a party. Just the two of us. We can watch a huge series of our favorite movies, including Mean Girls. And we can eat as much junk food you want?" She suggests, making me nod happily.

Bringing a real, genuine smile to my face, that I haven't showed for the past few days.


Hours passed by, and I decided to do something. Lauren was fast asleep on the couch. I grabbed some paper, and an envelope.

I started writing and when I finished. I folded the letter, putting it in the envelope.

I write the name of the person, I was going to give it to. I put it in my hidden drawer, in my room. I wasn't it going to give to him, yet.

I wasn't even going to give it to him, I was going to force Lauren to. I take my hand through my hair, stressfully.
I grab my guitar starting to sing, one of my favorite songs.

(Her singing this song is on the side. It's only a little clip of it though.)

I sing the song, my mind calming. Not think about the things that has happen the past week.

Ignoring the fast beating of my heart, as I thought of Harry. I sit my guitar down, laying down in my bed, trying to fall asleep.
"Camila, I love you. I'm sorry. Can we start over?" He asks, with a charming smile.

I couldn't resist,"Yeah. After all you were just trying to protect me." I smile, shyly.

He nods, bringing me closer to him. His lips crashing into mine, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

My cheeks heating up, my palms getting sweaty.

My heart increasing the speed of its beating. He pulls away, my forehead leaning against us.

As we breathed heavily from the kiss. But I wanted more. I pushed our lips back into contact, obviously shocking him.

He pushes me softly, onto the bed. My back laying down, on top of the bed.

His body hovering over me, as he kissed me passionately.

He pulls away, looking into my eyes. With a grin, his dimples popping out. Making me smile.

"I love you so much." He whispers,

"I love you, Harry." I say.

It was just a dream.

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