Thirty-Eight: Anonymous.

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Anonymous Pov:

"Harry, why can't I just come with you?" Camila asks.

"Because it's too dangerous, Baby. If you got hurt it would kill me." Harry says, softly. I hear a light sigh, though the speaker. I snuck in their house, last night sneaking in a mic in there so we could hear their plans and what they were talking about. It was an order by Dave.

I laugh at their conversation, she won't be protected for long Harry.

"Harry can you at least tell me where you're going?" Camila asks, with some frustration in her voice

"Fine. I'm going to this building near Dave's territory.." he pauses, I was not engulfed into the conversation. Finally finding an interest. Why would her be going there? This is something I'm definitely going to tell Dave.

"Why would you go there?" She asks, him with a hint of fear in her voice.

A grin finds its way on my face, as I continue to listen to their conversation.

Dave is going to be pretty happy on what I've found out.

"I have to go there because we're low on weapons and bullets. And a few other things. Dave is already on to us, he's going to be coming to find the flash drive. We need to be ready for it." Harry replies, I hear some shuffling, in the background.

"Harry, if you go can the guys come with you. For backup, in case anything bad happens. If they don't come with you, I am." She says, seriously.

Not sensing any of the fear that was in her voice seconds ago.

But she would be fool to go with him. She would killed just like that, since she's a target to Dave.

"Okay fine." Harry says, defeat in his voice.

I smirk, as I leave the room. I walk into Dave's office, with the smirk still evident on my face.

"What do you want?" Dave asks, without looking up at me.

"I found out somethings." I say, making Dave perk up in his chair.

"What?" Finally finding interest of what what I was saying for once.

"Harry is on his way, with the others going to our weapon storage building near by. Their planning on stealing stuff, so they can get ready for your attack." I say, Dave smirks.

"Good work!" He nods his head,
"Tell Tom, Bryan, John and whoever else that wants to help are to get weapons and defend the storage building alright? This will teach them a lesson from stealing from me. After everything is finished I have a difficult hard task for you. " Dave says, afterward telling me to leave the room.


Harry's Pov:

I was about to leave the door, the guys already In the van outside. When Camila runs up to me, "Bye Harry, please be careful." She whispers, hugging me. I smile towards her,

"Okay, baby. I promise." I give her a light kiss on the cheek, when she speaks up.

"Uh- I-I love you." She says, shyly. I grin, at her shyness.

"I love you too." Was the last words I said, before I walked out the door.
I wonder who's the mystery person?
Hmm, haha. Hope you enjoyed the chap, future chaps might get a bit crazy. New people will get Introduced in the story too, by the way. VOTE AND COMMENT.

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