Forty-Six: Betrayal.

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Camila's Pov:
I woke up, shivering. Why was it so cold?
I open my eyes, looking around at my surroundings.

I scream, no sound coming out. My mouth was taped up, my body tied up with rope as I sat in a uncomfortable chair. Tears formed in my eyes

Where was I?

I was in a huge room, it had nothing inside except me and a camera set up in front of me. I started crying.

How did I get captured?

Tyler was there, why didn't he try to save me at least?

Does anybody else know?

My cries started to get a bit louder, as I tried to get out of the tied ropes.

I heard a door slam loudly, fear engulfing me completely. "Camila. I told you." I hear a dark voice say with a chuckle.

"Who are you?" I yell when I finally get the tape off my mouth, then I realize this is exactly like my dream.

Am I going to die?

He laughs darkly, making me shudder in fear. "Oh Camila. I told you I would see you soon." He says,

"What do you want?!" I exclaim.

"I want the flash drive, Dave wants the flash drive. You're the right person, to help us get just that." I still couldn't see him, just a dark shadow.

He finally walks into the light, and I gasp.


Harry Pov:

I open the door to my flat, seeing no one.
It was quiet. I look around, while Liam did too. Then it dawned on me, Camila was gone. I didn't know what to think, but I did know my heart shattered.

Tyler was gone too. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. He has been seeming shady the past two weeks. I run a hand though my hand frustratingly.

I go to Liam, "Camila is gone," I say, my voice cracks at the end. I can't cry, I have to stay strong.

I can't just stay here, and cry. I have to find her, before they hurt her. Tyler must've been working for Dave the whole time. Liam looks at me, with pity In his eyes.

"Call the guys over. We have to find her. Now. Before anything happens to her." I say, my voice stronger than before.

He nods, grabbing his phone. I sigh, sadly. I failed, I couldn't keep her safe. I'm the worst. I promised I would keep her safe, but I broke the promise.

I can't even imagine what they are putting her though, my girl though. If they land one hand on her, their dead.

I'm sorry, Camila.

I'm so sorry, baby.

Tyler's Pov:

When I stepped into the light, she looked at me in shock and gasped. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why? Why would you do this?"
She asks.

I give her a grin,"I work for Dave, if you didn't know already. He told me to make friends with you and join the stupid 'rebellion' team thing you guys made up. It worked, because we're going to have the flash drive in no time." I reply, she shakes her head.

"We trusted you, you're an asshole!" She yells, with a new found confidence.

I step closer to her, a bit shocked at her choice of words. She seemed like the good girl type.

"Get away from me!" She yells,

"I don't think I will," I tease, she rolls her eyes.

"Why do you think they'll give you the flash drive?" She asks,

"Because Harry will see poor helpless you, here. I've seen and heard how he acts and looks at you. He loves you and all that shit. He wouldn't live knowing that you're here. It's going to be a matter of hours, before he's begging us to bring you back." I answer, with a knowing smirk.

"But if he still doesn't give us what we want. We will use a different method."

I pull a pocket knife out of back pocket.

"We will hurt you, until he has to give it to us." I smile, with a innocent look on my face.

Fear went across her face, but then she tried to hide it. A tear escaped her eye,

"Now let the fun begin."

Comment and vote. Hmm, Tyler you jerk. Ha, hope you liked it. Here's your extra update

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