Forty-Four: Awkwardness

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"Camila.." I hear a familiar voice whisper.
Harry. "Let me sleep.." I say, softly.

Turning around, I hear him laugh.
"Okay, baby. I was going to go get some breakfast.." he replies. I immediately jump up at the mention of food,

"I'll go. Let me get ready!" I exclaim, he laughs. I was pushing him our the door, until he said,"Before you make me leave, can I get a kiss?" He winks, playfully.

I laugh, kissing his lips for a few seconds. Before laughing again, shutting the door.
I take a very quick shower, putting on jeans and a hoodie.

Leaving my hair down, naturally. I smile at Harry, as he takes my hand and we were on our way to get breakfast.

Anonymous Pov:

As I seen Harry and Camila get into his car, driving off. I knew it was the perfect time.
I went to the front door of his flat, picking the lock. Finally getting it to open, it looking the same as last time I got in.

I couldn't help but chuckle, as I looked around. Dave had end of having to huge tasks for me,
the first one the biggest of all- that was already happening- the second one is what I'm doing now.

Finding the flash drive, I went into the bedroom. I pulled everything off the bed, nothing was there. I looked through all the drawers. The flash drive wasn't in the room. I looked though the rest of house, not seeing the flash drive anywhere. I sighed, frustrated.

When I heard a car door slam. I hurry ran to the nearest window, climbing out of it. Running, but that's when I remember I didn't complete my task.

Camila's Pov:
"Harry I can't believe you did that!" I laugh, as I walk towards the front door. He grins, as he shuts the car door. I open the door, finding it unlocked. I walk in, and scream. The apartment was a mess, everything was tore apart.

Harry runs towards me, then looks around the apartment. "Harry, what happened?" I ask. He sighs, heavily. "They were here." He says, more to himself. "Who?" He ignored me for a second, while going into his room, and coming back with the flash drive in hand.

Then I remember that Liam and Niall were the ones who went to Daves territory to steal it. So he wouldn't use it.

"Their looking for the flash drive, since they didn't find it. Their going to use force. That means you're in even more danger than before, Camila." He finally replies, making my heart beat faster than usual at the news.

"W-What are we going to do?"

He grabs his phone, calling someone.
"Yeah, call all of the guys over. Uh-I guess you can bring Tom, I mean Tyler." He hangs up, "A war had just began, and none of us know how to stop it." He says, again mostly to himself.


Everyone was here, and talking about things that they wouldn't let me and Lauren in the conversation. Saying, that we were going to be put in even more danger if we got involved.

But I did hear that Lauren and I would be have to learn to use a gun, which scared me. "Harry you have to go with Liam, to get more bullets. We didn't get enough, for the guns. Plus, we need to get smaller guns fort the girls here." Harry nods,

"Who's going to stay here?"

"Louis and I can't, and Lauren is coming with us. But Tyler can watch over Camila." Niall suggests.

Harry's face showed obvious denial. "Yeah, I can stay." Tyler confirms.

Harry looks over at him, with an frustrated look. "Fine, then. Let's just get this over with." He says, he kisses me before leaving with the others.

I smile kindly, towards Tyler. This is awkward.
"Yeah," he replies, oh gosh I said that out loud. Even more awkward, haha.

Please vote and comment. The next chap is going to get crazy, and maybe a bit surprising. I don't know.. sorry that this chap is crappy.

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