Twenty Three: Lurking.

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As we arrive to the diner, not speaking a word after our argument. I got out, as I heard Harry sigh.

We walk in sitting at the booth. "I'm sorry." He says, looking down at the table. I look at him, raising my eyebrow.

He looks at me, "I really am. I didn't meant to be a asshole back there." He says, putting a hand though his hair.

I nod, "Okay." I say with a little smile. His smile widens, as he seen I had forgiven him. Maybe I forgiven him a bit to easily. But a look in his eyes, told me otherwise. After awhile the tension was gone, and we were talking normal with each other.

All of a sudden, throws a piece of his food at me. I look at him, in shock. "Harry!" I yell.

He looks over at me, innocently. "Yeah, what's up?" He asks, with a smile. I giggle,"Okay, if that's how it's going be-" I say, getting interrupted.

With a piece of his food hits my mouth. I laugh, about to kill him. I throw one of my meatballs from my spaghetti at his face. He looks at me with devious grin. As he held up, a spoon full of mashed potatoes. I gasp quietly, as he smirked.
I raise my hands in surrender, "Okay...sorry.." he shrugs continuing the food fight. I couldn't help but admire his beautiful features. His beautiful green eyes, and cute dimples. He stops, looking at me with a teasing grin.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He winks.

I laugh, blushing intensely. He grins, as we leave the place. Leaving a mess on the table. His phone rings,

"Hello?" He asks.

"What's up, Zayn?" His once careless and happy features turned cold and serious.
"Shit. That's tonight, damn. I forgot, hold him off alright. Yeah." He hangs up, hurrying into the car.

As I got in, he was practically speeding. As he got me to my house, he looked like was thinking about doing something. But decided against, I got into my house.

Looking into Laurens room, seeing her fast asleep. I go into my room, and about to get to bed. I got a feeling of being watched, I look out my window seeing the same dark figure I seen a few days ago, lurking in near by alley.

But I tried to think it was something else, not a person watching me and only me. It couldn't be right? No, it couldn't. Stop thinking crazy, I lay down in my bed. Trying to get the figure out of my mind. But after all my mind could be playing games with me.

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