Thirty Two: Captured.

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"Harry, be safe alright?" I say, with a light smile. Even though he's not going to Dave's 'territory'. I didn't help but have a feeling something, bad was going to happen. He nods, kissing my lips slightly. "Camila, don't do anything crazy." He gives me a warning gaze. I roll my eyes, grabbing a hold of his hand. "I'm not the one who's in a gang." I say, not thinking. His soft features, turned hard in a millisecond. I knew I said the wrong thing. "Nevermind, just be careful, lov- uh, yeah don't do anything bad, Harry." Shocked of the words that almost slipped out of mouth.
His eyes soften,
"Camila, I'll be back." He let's go of my hand, walking out the front door with Liam, Zayn, Niall. Louis sits down, turning the tv on.

I sigh, as I go into my room. I get another text message. Unknown: Closer and closer, I will get you. Soon.
My eyes, widen. I didn't know what to do, I needed Harry. He's the only person, that can stop me from not having a nervous break down. He can calm me down, he proved it by healing me from my breaking parts inside of me.

I didn't know what to do, I started crying on top of Harrys bed. I didn't know know what else to do. So I just cried.

Harry pov:
I left the flat, with guys. Hoping nothing would happen, to Camila. girl. She's mine, I don't know exactly what I feel for her. But I know it's something....strong.

Liam, Niall went to Dave's territory. As Zayn and I were on our way to the meeting thing. Which was completely stupid, in my opinion. I frown, as we arrived. We walks into the room, as we seen another territories leader and members.

Dave looked at me I'm shock, as if I wasn't going to come. I wasn't but, weird things happen. Like jow I developed strong feeling for a girl, when I told myself not to. As the meeting starts, Dave continues to talk.

"Okay, John. If we put our territorys together, we could be powerful, unstoppable. I have the flash drive, you know how strong that is." Dave persuades, as John (the leader of the other territory) nods. They continued to talk about bullcrap, I really didn't care about.

I knew all of this already. I got a call suddenly, from Louis. I got up from the meeting, getting a glare from Dave as I left.
"What?" I ask, with a slight edge to my voice. I hear him sigh heavily.

"Harry, Lauren she- she got captured." He says shakily. My eyes widen,"Fuck! How!? You were supposed to watch them!" I say, plus not knowing how Niall would react.
"She told me, she was going to the bathroom.

Then I heard the balcony door, in your room shut. I ran up there, but she gone." He repeats the story, as I sighed again. "What about Camila?" I ask.
"She was sleep in your bed, but she looked like she had been crying."

Everything was going wrong, I didn't know what to do at this point. Lauren is missing, I don't know how we are going to get her back. I don't even want to see, Niall's reaction.

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