Twenty Five: Screaming.

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Still in shock, I began to kiss back. His arms around my waist as my arms were wrapped around his neck. I couldn't believe his lips were on mine. We both pull away, because of the loss of air.

"Camila..I'm sorry." He says, out of breath.
"For what?" I ask, confused.

"Because of the kiss, I-I shouldn't have done that..." he says, looking into my eyes.

I nod, sadly. Of course he didn't like me, I stood up from the bed. Avoiding eye contact with him. He stood up beside me, standing right in front of me.

"I shouldn't have done that, but that doesn't mean..that I didn't want to." He whispers.

I bring our lips back together, for a slow kiss. When he pulls away, softly. "Camila, you're perfect." He says, but their was tension. He kept opening his mouth, but shutting it. As if he didn't have anything to say. I look at him, until he finally speaks up.
"I have to go." He says. As he basically runs out of my room. I was standing in my room, like a fool. He doesn't feel anything for me. I sigh, laying down on my bed. Sleep taking over in seconds.
I wake up, hearing a noise downstairs. It's probably Lauren. I laugh slightly, walking downstairs, as I look into the kitchen. I scream, the figure I seen. The person, dressed in all black. It was the figure I seen lurking in alleys.

The person runs out of the kitchen back door, in an instant. I started to cry, I don't even know what's happening. I get out my phone to call someone.

"Hello?" I hear the raspy voice of Harry.

"Harry! Harry! Please come over now. I-I seen someone come in here and-" I say, scared and I wanted to leave before the person came back.

"Camila, I'll be there in minute. Don't go anywhere!" He hangs up. After a few minutes he bursts through the door. I run to him, he takes me to my room.

"Now what did you see?" He asks, seriously.
"I s-seen a person dressed in all black... I don't think it was a robber because.." I stop, he looks at me, "Why?"

"Because..The day when I was over your house, I seen the person. Then when I got home I saw it lurking around an alley near by." I say. Harry stands up from my bed,"Damn, it's too late." He says to himself.
"I'm going to have to tell you, everything." He says, towards me.

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