Twenty Six: Revealing.

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I look at him in confusion, "What do you mean?" I ask.

He sighs, "You can't tell anyone alright?" He says, seriously.

I nod, "Okay, remember all the days I've been leaving and stuff because of a phone call. I work for a man named Dave. He's connected to tons of people, and if I ever betray him him or anything he could kill me in an instant...-" My face even more scared. He looks at me, continuing.
"Recently, a flash drive has been gave to him. It has lots of things that could ruin so many things, if it lands in the wrong hands..He's one if the people that shouldn't have it.  It has stuff on it that could destroy parts of the world. I don't want to be apart of that, at all. Me, and a few others that has to work for him, wants to rebel against him. He's now suspicious of us going against him, and is keeping a close eye on us. But too many things would be put at risk, like you.." he stops, looking at me.

"How would I be put at risk?" I ask. I was scared could I die? I didn't want to believe any of this.

He sighs, "If we happen to go against him, it would put you in danger. He could hurt you. I don't want that to happen. I care about you too much, to let you get hurt. But me and the others has a plan to win against him. The reason why, is because he's starting to hurt people, and because of the flash drive that could hurt hundreds of people." He says, I nod starting get even more scared.

"Why would you start working for him? And what do you do for him?" I ask.

He looks up at me, "I didn't know what I was getting into, and I tell you now that I regret it." He says, sadly.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

He shrugs,"I don't know, but you and Lauren can't stay here. It's too dangerous, he must think you're involved with this, and you're not at all. Since your friend is basically dating Niall, she's going to be a target too. I'll call Niall, she's hanging out with him today isn't she?" I nod, still speechless.

He calls Niall, telling him everything. "Okay, Niall said he's going to tell Lauren. She's going to stay over there, and you're coming with me." He says, his facial features intense.

"Okay, thanks Harry." I smile. He nods,"Alright, pack up a few things we need to get you out of here."
I stand up getting bag putting most of my clothes and stuff in it. He walks back into my room, after looking in the kitchen. I nod, he smiles guiltily.

As I get into his car, "Wait! I forgot my guitar.." I say. I was about to go back in until he grabbed my arm.

"I'll come with you." He says. Following me back in, as I grabbed it. As soon as I got into the car. He drove off into the direction of his house.
As I walk into his house, "Thanks Harry, this means a lot." I smile slightly, he nods.

"Anything for you."

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