Twenty Four: Sassy Mila.

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I wake up, tired. I was up almost all night scared of the lurking dark figure I had seen last night. A part of me saying it was just my mind playing games on me, and the other part saying that I better call the police or something.

Yeah, I agree with myself a lot. I walk into the living room, Lauren there sitting watching Vampire Diaries.

"Morning, Camz-" she looks over at me, worried.

"Camz, what's up? You look uh, offense." She says, standing up.

I yawn, "Yeah, I know. I was up all night long." She looks at me confused,"Why?..did you have another know you can wake me up I'm here for you." She says.

"No I didn't. I just couldn't sleep." I lie, not meeting her eyes. She could always tell when I lied, hopefully she doesn't this time. She looks at me suspiciously, but doesn't say anything.

I sigh in relief,"Anyways, I'm going to meet Niall." She smiles, as she grabbed her phone. I wave her a goodbye, as she walked outside. I walked into my room, sitting on my bed. I grab my guitar, strumming it.

As I softly sung the words to a few songs of Ed Sheeran. I sigh, but then that's when a loud knock was at my window. I look at it confused, what the fuck is going on? I walk towards it opening it slowly, seeing Harry. When I opened it he hurriedly jumped in. I closed the window,

"What?" I ask, in shock. I turn on the light in my room. When I did I basically regretted.

He had cuts and blood, I gasp. I immediately run to his side.

"Camila, I'm fine. I'm alright." He tries to smile, but winces in pain. I sit him on my bed. I go to the bathroom in my room, wetting a cloth, got some cleaning pads for his cuts. I sit on the bed next to facing him. He turns to face me,"You don't have to, I'm fine baby." He says, clearly in pain.

"Stop, Harry. You are in pain, if your trying to hide it you're failing." I say, "When did you get so sassy, Camila?" He asks, playful with a painful smile.

He makes me giggle a bit, but I started to dab the cloth on the dried blood on his face. I felt his gaze bring Into my face, but I ignored it.

"This might burn, a bit." I say, dabbing the cleaning pads on his cuts. He winces, making me stop.

"I'm sorry." I say, guilty. He shakes his head,

"It's fine." He says, looking at me with a look. I smile, looking down. I continued wiping off his cuts, and I looked into his eyes for a second, getting lost into them. I look away, finishing up.

"Alright, all done." I grin. He looks at me with a look I couldn't explain. He grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. I didn't know what happened until, his lips were on mine.

Breaking & Healing(Camarry) a.uOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora