I Put The Sad In Quesadilla

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There are many laws that govern reality. From the most basic of mathematics to the most difficult of physics, all life is binded to these rules. Of course, all but a special few. Stand users are the most notorious for their transcendent state, but even they live under their own set of regulations.

One such stand user was granted the power of sight. Of course, not like average people on the basis of light, but by the soul. The vision of a soul, the deepest parts of a human, from their thoughts to their desires, are all exposed in one's soul. It wasn't given to him so easily, rather, he was rewarded for his devotion to these rules.

Years prior, he wasn't able to read such information. He could only erase it. How inefficient, really. How could you determine how much was erased? And how would you know if it truly stayed erased? Well, he didn't ask, that would ruin the fun of it. Pesky problems were wiped away with a touch of a ghost, and he found no need to question them. Soon, he realized, even people could be completely erased in someone's mind. Of course, the legitimacy of such an act was questionable. Surely, it would come back some day? After testing it on his own parents, he found the answer. No, their memories would never return.
Well, he was content with that.

This power of his became a quick money making tactic. 'Want a crazy ex to forget about you? Easy! Just pay up this big sum! Thank you for the money, but... you forgot to pay me, you know?'

This business of his evolved over time. He became a shark loan, but all those he's given money to have never paid it off. Even if they did, just a quick touch of his ghost and they haven't paid anything. There was never any remorse when it came to watching families burn themselves to the ground. That was just the fate of those ignorant to the true nature of the world and of stands.

Until someone offered to sell their child. A young girl, barely five. The parents rambled on and on of how much money this child could be, and he agreed. That day, he erased a small, slow girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes from the memory of her parents. He made a fortune.

The next day, he returned to collect the money that was already paid to him tenfold through the selling of the little girl, and to his surprise, they dragged out another girl, a woman, actually, who shouted like her parents were crazy. He hadn't seen her yesterday, so she probably wasn't there when her younger sibling was sold off and erased. How silly that she was the only one telling the truth.
The sisters' family was finally free of their debt after selling both their children.

He wasn't too bummed when the woman ran away a short while later. He doubted she would survive long with no one to go back to, and life was peaceful. Her missing case was shelved away under the countless others at the police department, shrugged off as just another woman being sold for drug money. He never even heard of her until years later, she barged into a hospital to get medicine for a sick child. He never imagined that she would survive for so long, but that would end quickly. Her existence was pesky, to say the least. She even lived like a rat, in some hole in the wall motel making money off her body, and where was the child? Well, it didn't matter. He disposed of her soon enough, and the child was kind to give out her own position. Hm... What would happen if he erased her memories of her entire being? Well, it's worth finding out, isn't it? Odd enough, this daughter too, had (H/C) hair and dull (E/C) eyes. His stand erased their memories promptly. Hopefully this would be an interesting experiment, he was getting rather bored.

His Stand was his greatest weapon, and with his new business idea, he was eager to join a gang and fetch even more money. Why join a gang? Easy, they were a tail he could cut off and abandon if all went wrong. He didn't have the routes himself, but he didn't need that either. All he needed was the ability to extort money and the most important aspect, people, and then fork them over for even more money. Everything was just as he wanted it to be, just as life was supposed to be.

Yet of course, murphy's law. Everything so perfect in life shattered exactly one year later, as if that date was cursed. One had broken themselves from his spell, they unscrambled their mind, becoming perfectly sane and oh so very fucked up. He couldn't bear to look at them any longer. Disgusting, a taint on the world and the rules that govern reality. That filthy child, one who dared to continue living despite what he had dictated.

Her death was demanded, something unavoidable in his eyes. He had to erase her again. If not her, then he would do so in a different way. No one would remember that blemish, no one would search when she disappeared, or turned into a corpse before their eyes. Yet no bullet would land, as if they curved away at the last moment, they would never hit their target. It was unfathomable, but by then it was too late. She's already forgotten, and she's still alive. Each year, again and again, she would survive. She would live again as if she ran purely on spite and nothing else.

Ten years would pass like that, and he struck a deal with a man most curious. Kill a child named (Y/N) without any questions, and his talent would be used as he needed. With their contract signed, he opened his eyes, only for his sight to be revoked, awakening a power that he still has to thank that man for to this day. This perspective available only to him, to see the truth of each person in their soul. Everything could finally be okay.

There was a scream one night. He could hear it reverberate through his entire skull, a voice he neither recognized nor forgotten, as if something in this serene world broke, and the entire earth seemed to turn upside down. The boss with the aura of a king disappeared like the burst of a firework, and then the gang he so willingly cooperated with toppled like dominos.

Then there it was. The first glimpse of color in two years, a (H/C) haired girl standing before him in a room he'd never seen before, still fucking alive.

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