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When I got back from Halos after finishing all the necessary paper works to finalize the deal, I had headed straight back to Di-glamorous.

I had this bubbling excitement within me, one that I couldn't quite contain... This was progress... it felt like progress. I was doing something good outside of Cade's shadow. Although it required me to face some of my darkest fears but my mind was already made up, I was so ready for this change, I was ready to start afresh and I wasn't going to run when things get hard, because they will.

I knew that simply because Diane had to do a thorough background check on Gabriella, seeing as we were trying to avoid any future scandal that could come with my background.

I didn't remember much about my life before Laross, it was pretty vague to be honest. We moved a lot ever since we left— I paused to think... I honestly couldn't remember... but the feeling I got when I tried to think deeply into that part of my past, always had me taking a thousand steps back... it felt like my mind had blocked out that side of my past, and for the life of me, I couldn't breech that void.

The elevator sled apart, my gaze locking with Uriel. "Hey, is Cade in?"

"Yes, got back from EA not too long ago."

"Okay, thanks!" I said, going over to my office to drop my bag.

He didn't call today, neither did I get any text from him. He didn't even speak a word to me on the drive to work, I knew he was still a little bit angry, just a little...

I also knew that he understood my reasons for moving out, but I did expect this reaction from him to be honest, after all the crap I put him through, I should be receiving worse than what I was currently getting, but—I still thanked the stars for the fact that he was giving me a chance to prove myself to him.

At this, I smiled, finding my way to his office. I knocked, and only entered when he gave me permission to enter.

"Hey!" I couldn't help but let my happiness show in my voice as I grinned.

"Hm." He muttered in response, not looking up from his computer where he was typing crazily.

"Did you even have lunch?"

He shook his head.

"Oh." I let out, walking over to his side where I sat on top his table, crossing my legs. His eyes didn't shift from his computer. "I—"

"Was there something you needed, Holland?"


He stopped typing, finally raising his head, his gaze meeting mine.

He raised a brow, as if waiting for me to ask whatever it was I wanted.

"You." I stated, biting back a smile.

A little twitch pulled at his left brow, before he shook his head, his attention leaving me, as skilled fingers went back to typing. "Perhaps I wasn't clear with my question." He offered tersely. "Was there something important you needed?"

I frowned. "But you're important to me, Cade."

He paused, his gaze raising to meet with mine once more. "That would have sounded, exceptionally lovely... if I cared."

"You do care." I countered.

"Do I?" he muttered. "Clearly you don't read faces well."

I sighed. "I know you care, and you're just trying to hurt me... that's why I'm not going to buy into any of this villain Cade thing you're doing."

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