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"You know, if you keep coming here often, people are going to actually figure out who you are." Jace voiced out after filling shots for some group of teenage kids. The jolly music playing in the background, did nothing to ease the tension I was feeling, the thoughts that kept jamming into my brain as it tried to process the new information it had gotten.

In my head was pure chaos, as my own thoughts countered each other.

He came to stand infront of me. "It's kinda weird, since you've been here for almost an hour without ordering anything."

My hand resting on my cheek like I could care less about anything happening at Russo's, moved to make drumming patterns on the bar table.

"What's up? Did somebody die?" He asked.

"Yup, my unborn baby, two years ago." I heard myself say.

Jace looked like he was processing my response. "Was that meant to be a joke?" He asked, raising a brow.

"No... I kinda found out about half an hour ago."

"What?" He asked, confusion blessing his whole expression.

I nodded. "That," I pointed to his face, "...is my whole feelings right now, I'm messed up with confusion." I said, my hand going back to my cheek.

"Dude, if your life was a series filled with drama, I'll binge watch with my family every night."

"Haha, that was funny, I'm laughing... suddenly not confused anymore, thanks for helping." I said, shooting him a blank look.

"Okay okay... Sorry. But I'm kind of confused... Mabel was pregnant with your baby?"

"Yeah, Two years ago, before she even left... And me, who's the father is just finding out about it today."

"Yikes... So she like aborted the pregnancy?"

"Yes- without thinking to talk to me about it first, to maybe see if I would be okay with it, which I wouldn't have."

"Did she tell you why?" He asked.

"Of course she did."

"Why did she do it?"

I scoffed. "Cause she didn't know what else to do... That's what she kept repeating over and over again."

He let out a deep breath. "That's a lot to take in for one night."

"I know." I said. "I'm just so confused, I don't know what to do with this information."

Jace shrugged. "You can't take it back... It's happened already, you gotta live with it, and eventually move on."

I shot him a look. "Move on? Knowing I could have had a daughter or a son who'd be two years by now. Knowing I could teach them what my parents never taught me... how to be careful?"

"Judging on the amount of homes your family has for homeless children, you're quite fond of them."

I sighed, a smile coming to my lips. "Yeah, they remind me a lot about who I used to be. Chatty, playful, careless... Free. They also remind me that I shouldn't be Chatty, playful, careless and free cause it hurts people around me, it has hurt people that I care about... Created mistakes that I can't erase."

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